Is Mr Baked beans a scam..?


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Yeah I've grown from all mentioned except greenhouse over the years and have noticed hermies are now rife within the large European seed companies.
I used to like RQS but had some hermies from them too.
Hmm I've had F all hermies from the ones listed accept when I trusted the misses to water when I went away for a month and fungas gnats got out of control and the whole crop had balls when I pulled them that was Barneys Farm Blue Cheese

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Hmm I've had F all hermies from the ones listed accept when I trusted the misses to water when I went away for a month and fungas gnats got out of control and the whole crop had balls when I pulled them that was Barneys Farm Blue Cheese
I am the 👑 thought!!


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But my point was atleast get breeders you can find info on I couldn't find Teddy's,47 Genetics and half the others when I searched


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Half the time you don't know what sort of beans you got . If you flick me some of your prime genetics I might have a chance. 🤣


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Beanhub have some of his stuff on display
But you can't find an actual website to order off you have to go through a third party probably buying bulk seeds and rebranding them for all we know


Staff member
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What the fuck ?
Any decent seed retailer would have the seed /strain info available for their customers,.not give them shit coz they didn’t do research first ,,and especially when you don’t put a strain as auto,,,then fix it ,,then deny it was wrong ,,and then blame the customer …
Only one good thing has come of this ,people now know to avoid this shit mob of arseholes,

oh yeah ,I’ve never heard of or seen a decent auto ,,learn a little of what you are supposed to know about cannabis before to trying to run a seed shop,,,while your at it learn something about customer service and how to relate to other human beings instead of making a cunt of yourself.
I'm not ripping anyone I'm stating the facts

It's a joke mate people go off at others when they don't even look into what they're are buying, could of brought 2% thc strains then sook about it, yea ill give it to someone if they wanna carry on about autos and shit, we all here for one thing to all learn and grow such an amazing plant autos or photos, but when someone bagging shit out instead of being a decent human and contacting and working the problem out. That's me I'm out peace and all the best to all 🙏

afghan bob

Community Member
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Well fuk me, last time i'm gonna play boy scout and offer help 2 someone who i thought had a rough trot with a seedbank
Bloody hell a bit of shit show eh
Was gonna flip her/him some Green House super lemon haze had lying around but apparently they shit too
Was looking forward 2 growing out so called shit autos and showing him/her what he/she missed out on
But now i've run outta popcorn so i'm stuffed


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Well fuk me, last time i'm gonna play boy scout and offer help 2 someone who i thought had a rough trot with a seedbank
Bloody hell a bit of shit show eh
Was gonna flip her/him some Green House super lemon haze had lying around but apparently they shit too
Was looking forward 2 growing out so called shit autos and showing him/her what he/she missed out on
But now i've run outta popcorn so i'm stuffed

Well fuk me, last time i'm gonna play boy scout and offer help 2 someone who i thought had a rough trot with a seedbank
Bloody hell a bit of shit show eh
Was gonna flip her/him some Green House super lemon haze had lying around but apparently they shit too
Was looking forward 2 growing out so called shit autos and showing him/her what he/she missed out on
But now i've run outta popcorn so i'm stuffed
Mate I posted them this morning . Here we go again. I didn't bring up that green house was shit.


User ID
What the fuck ?
Any decent seed retailer would have the seed /strain info available for their customers,.not give them shit coz they didn’t do research first ,,and especially when you don’t put a strain as auto,,,then fix it ,,then deny it was wrong ,,and then blame the customer …
Only one good thing has come of this ,people now know to avoid this shit mob of arseholes,

oh yeah ,I’ve never heard of or seen a decent auto ,,learn a little of what you are supposed to know about cannabis before to trying to run a seed shop,,,while your at it learn something about customer service and how to relate to other human beings instead of making a
No decent autos 🤣🤣 no1s my customer mate what are you on about
Well fuk me, last time i'm gonna play boy scout and offer help 2 someone who i thought had a rough trot with a seedbank
Bloody hell a bit of shit show eh
Was gonna flip her/him some Green House super lemon haze had lying around but apparently they shit too
Was looking forward 2 growing out so called shit autos and showing him/her what he/she missed out on
But now i've run outta popcorn so i'm stuffed
Attached are the shit autos


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afghan bob

Community Member
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Settle down mate, i know u didn't
Gotta grow a thick skin around here
Appreciate u getting em away so quickly
I'm sure u'll be happy in swap


User ID
Settle down mate, i know u didn't
Gotta grow a thick skin around here
Appreciate u getting em away so quickly
I'm sure u'll be happy in swap
I'm just getting in before Sedge gets them. I got a tracking number I'll send it to you and I didn't bring up the shit bag Green house genetics either 🤣
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