Is Mr Baked beans a scam..?

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durban kid

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That is such a shit, generic mission statement...

Our intention is to preserve, reproduce and distribute the finest examples from around the world, from sativas to indicas. We want to pass on these pure “foundation strains” so as to not lose them forever in a world dominated by hybridized and feminized cannabis varieties.

Today’s cannabis has been mixed to the extent that many have lost their original mystic and power, giving way to the unnatural demands of today’s grower. These modern day strains get nowhere near the purity and clarity of their ancestral families as all of the original “power phenos” are lost within the process of cross breeding.

Furthermore these new strains require a lot of nutrients that are derived from the carbon fossil world adding on to the depleting of Mother Nature. Our mission is to bring all these amazing strains back to the forefront of the cannabis community! Saving the future of cannabis by preserving its past.
are you saying the strains are shit or just the language used is silly
i would love to be able to grow some of these as they are meant to be grown if only it was legal lol


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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lebanese is one in particular full of CBD as well as a good amount of THC

African strains would be ideal for energising daytime types
affies for oils and hash etc


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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true 16weeks + is a long time to wait for a plant to finish flowering


Grown a few landrace and hybrid sativa's and most go well over 16 weeks if you want quality, but the highs are top notch if you get the right one. While they aren't commercial they would suit a niche market if the plant was fully legal. A few growers do this in the legal US market, but it's pretty hard to find a pure sativa in most dispensaries over there.

As Frank says, commercial growers generally won't touch them due to flowering times and yield.

As for baked beans, not paying $200 a pack, but some of those old Thai genetics are tempting (can't remember which company edit zomia collective
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Sativas aren't great for insomnia, don't get me wrong nothing wrong with a good 1

Neither are hybrids really I guess

durban kid

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just to throw this in the mix
sixty one sided minutes are at it again share it and tear it apart the lies and garbage have to stop



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Where do they find these fucking clowns?

According to the "expert" the "new skunk" is 30 - 60 times higher in THC content than the "ordinary block" that was around in the 60's :ROFLMAO: Fuck I would like to know who's growing weed that tests at 150% - 300% THC (assuming it was ~5% THC in the 60s) :unsure:

Just the fact they are refering to it as "new skunk" tells you this cunt has zero idea what the fuck they are talking about 🤡

I got to the point where they claim that "skunk is the most dangerous drug on the streets today" and I had to turn off before I got psychosis from wathcing 60 mins :mad:


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Yeah what another fuckwit trying to make a name for themselves

I don't know about so called hydro being so much stronger
In 40 odd yrs of smoking I can sure you that I've smoked between 20 and 30% THC most of the time

Sure I could never measure it , but now getting 25% THC MC lately it's no stronger than most of my home grown , some of it has been noticeably stronger than 25%

I'm sure most of you guys are growing the same strength I have for many years also

Where they get their facts and figures is a little hazy , no real records of THC % until fairly recently for the average Joe weed

Lots of assumptions I'm guessing, even the dumb ass copper's got this idea of super weed , what do they think of ppl getting high THC legally

Their ideology must be challenged at some point , but no , back to the dark ages , weed is bad


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Where do they find these fucking clowns?

According to the "expert" the "new skunk" is 30 - 60 times higher in THC content than the "ordinary block" that was around in the 60's :ROFLMAO: Fuck I would like to know who's growing weed that tests at 150% - 300% THC (assuming it was ~5% THC in the 60s) :unsure:

Just the fact they are refering to it as "new skunk" tells you this cunt has zero idea what the fuck they are talking about 🤡

I got to the point where they claim that "skunk is the most dangerous drug on the streets today" and I had to turn off before I got psychosis from wathcing 60 mins :mad:
just goes to show how committed they are to continuing their demonisation of Cannabis
never mind the facts hey just use fear and absolute bullshit


just to throw this in the mix
sixty one sided minutes are at it again share it and tear it apart the lies and garbage have to stop

Not sure what this has to do with the thread on Baked Beans seeds? Is BB selling some of this psychotic skunk?

It was pretty awful one sided garbage, that is reason enough not to watch 60 minutes. They present some science on the one side, and then instead of presenting other science, they go to Amsterdam and get some stoners to refute the science, complete with a floating gay mardi gras, just to reinforce to the conservative public that we don't want that here. Why the fuck does anyone watch this shit. Having said that I'm sure that the odd teen has gone psychotic on pot, as they also have done on booze, and even ritalin, which can both cause psychosis.

And skunk? WTF? I had my first skunk about 30 years ago, and it wasn't as good as Thai stick!

If you look up the researcher, here she is advocating CBD for use in opiate addiction.


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The genetics are mango smile X STR runtz. And then on the combo pack northern lights X mango smile. And the other one is mango smile X zhittlez
Anything cross runts will be shit. Such a low yielding hype strain but honetly no idea why it was hyped.
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