Is Mr Baked beans a scam..?


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Did you see the shit buds at Sensi seeds and the airy shit she had her smelling under the CFL's and gateway drug alcohol is the gateway drug every drug I've sampled and there's been a few I was pissed even my first toke I was pissed but you won't hear about that cause 99%of people get on the sauce and what about Alcahol psychosis. Here is a snippet from and article I read

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the most common co-occurring disorder next to nicotine in people with schizophrenia, with approximately one-third of individuals developing AUD at some point in their lives. Various studies have suggested alcohol use rates are as high as 86% in patients with schizophrenia and 65% of individuals with schizophrenia have an AUD.20 The acute intoxication of alcohol produces greater and longer-lasting euphoria and stimulatory effects in individuals with schizophrenia.
And no I'm not anti grog I love the stuff . Rupert Murdoch probably got shares in the medical industry and using his propaganda machine to de rail rec legalisation and teenagers prob wont have as many dirtbags selling to them cause they will go out of business and they will need someone to buy it for em like they have to with grog
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durban kid

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Not sure what this has to do with the thread on Baked Beans seeds? Is BB selling some of this psychotic skunk?

It was pretty awful one sided garbage, that is reason enough not to watch 60 minutes. They present some science on the one side, and then instead of presenting other science, they go to Amsterdam and get some stoners to refute the science, complete with a floating gay mardi gras, just to reinforce to the conservative public that we don't want that here. Why the fuck does anyone watch this shit. Having said that I'm sure that the odd teen has gone psychotic on pot, as they also have done on booze, and even ritalin, which can both cause psychosis.

And skunk? WTF? I had my first skunk about 30 years ago, and it wasn't as good as Thai stick!

If you look up the researcher, here she is advocating CBD for use in opiate addiction.
yes fred it has nothing to do with baked beans just an off topic throw in like good stoners do heheheheh you know how it goes you start talking about some thing and off it goes thru many random topics till it comes back around to the one you started with
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