The Wuhan virus 🦠

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The man your mother warned you about.
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welcome to the New World Order.

I think Clinton wanted to run that show but Trump trumped her.


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Yeah they told me disprin , if you start feeling any tightness in your chest area a go straight back to doctor, could be clots forming in lungs

That's what happened to me , just shear luck I had to have a blood test the same day as my 2nd injection that picked it up b4 I had even noticed it , I thought I just strained my chest muscles picking up a has bottle

Its not as safe as they make it sound for some ppl

Red Eye Hero

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Yeah I suffer from hypothyroidism so I normally get heart palpitations but before I got the jab they said if you get heart palpitations to go to the doctors so I’m not sure whether it’s from the vaccine or the thyroid I feel fucked just laying in bed at the moment


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Download the Telegram App, then search under Covid Vaccine Injuries.

With social media editing or censoring/ deleting anything anti covid, Telegram has become the go-to for anything Vax related, worldwide.

All I will say is Kochie and Karl and all their so-called specialists are lying through their teeth, blackmailing you with vaccines = freedoms.

Below is an example from todays batch of injuries or deaths being recorded, or news clips from around the world...View attachment 6759074777032539201.MP4

As an aside, how fucked are we if Nicki Minaj’s cousins friends swollen nuts is the top news story in the world??


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The mainstream media has become the propaganda arm of the government.

A quick glance at the headline, something lots of people do, makes it quite clear that kids are now dying from Covid...but the article itself shows the headline to be **cough** misleading.

Screen Shot 2021-09-16 at 4.01.56 pm.pngScreen Shot 2021-09-16 at 4.02.06 pm.png

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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We are dumb fucks, here's something oldish I finally cottoned on too
Been using it for years to scoop chook food.
Bit off subject but still shows how stupid we can be.
Gas chamber kings selling baby food FARK!
No I didn't buy it or use it!
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