The Wuhan virus 🦠

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Lol what dose emergency health powers have to do with climate change

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Here's a prediction for ya

Once the Corona is over, they will use their "emergency health powers" on the Man Made Climate Change Bullshit
For our own good obviously, they will mandate all sorts of "control" measures

Don't forget cunts YOU voted for the shit pollies running the shit show
Bang on mate


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Looks like Craig Kelly is going after them with the new United Australia Party. See what Clive has to say about it all ...

Red Eye Hero

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Just in line to get my pfizer vaccine 💉 mum talked me into it booked an appointment for 5:30 but the line is fucking huge wish me luck

Aye Shroomer

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Just got Pfizer jabbed tonight. Was actually super quick once we signed in at the medical centre. Lucky I don’t work again until next week.


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Looks like Craig Kelly is going after them with the new United Australia Party. See what Clive has to say about it all ...

Usually attracted to some rouge pollies but I'm not too impressed with that prick. I hardly get any spam through my number, but that fuck has got 5through to me twice now (blocked the first SMS, and cunt sent another one via another number). And by doing so UAP and him have lost me for it. Unsolicited shit hits a nerve with me real quickly. Been mulling over the idea of giving him a piece of my mind about it... Cunt of a thing..

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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So what are we supposed to do with this two party duopoly system ?
We can see it doesn't benefit the masses ! Only the " elite " minority .
Said it before , abolish career politicians and corporate lobbying.
Fuck big corperation.
Fuck globalism , look were its got us.😠
Well don't vote for the duopoly for starters

If ya have to vote, vote for some cunt that will get us out of the UN and the other global organizations


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Sadly we not getting Nuclear weapons

Anyway FUCK the French, and the Rat Fuckers

Just baby steps to begin with, for now. We'll get there in time, seeing no pollie gives a fuck about national deficit any longer. I suspect we'll follow in the footsteps of the yanks where budgets in health and education will be reduced, and shitloads will go to warfare/national security/intelligence.

As for the French Gov, they deserve everything they get, for taking the path they chose.

Red Eye Hero

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@Red Eye Hero hows your arm today. Mine is killing. I’m not a sook but this one jab hurt more than when I got two in both arms all at once back at army training
Arms a little sore not too bad though it’s bearable surprisingly last night the line went really quick I was in an out within 15 minutes they did tell me to sit down and wait 15 minutes to see if I got any bad symptoms but I just left lol

Aye Shroomer

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Arms a little sore not too bad though it’s bearable surprisingly last night the line went really quick I was in an out within 15 minutes they did tell me to sit down and wait 15 minutes to see if I got any bad symptoms but I just left lol
Same here. The anaphylactic side effects they warned was a little concerning


The man your mother warned you about.
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I’d be worried when you guys get your second shot ,,it’ll have more chances of clotting and permanent injury.

Aye Shroomer

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I’d be worried when you guys get your second shot ,,it’ll have more chances of clotting and permanent injury.
That’s what I’m worried about too. Same as my wife. I’ll be back at work full time soon after my second jab. Not looking forward to lifting cases of wine all day.


The man your mother warned you about.
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If I was gonna take it I’d have asprin the day before ,,
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