The Wuhan virus 🦠


Forum Pisshead
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I personally don’t give a fuck what other cunts do or don’t do, I’m pro choice but the fact is their is consequences for your actions. Your free to protest but you might get bashed by the counter protesters or arrested.

Fucking spewing would of gone down today if I had of known be the milk man $50 for 2 liters of milk 🤣

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Forum Pisshead
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Yeah yeah.. I get it. if you've had the jab your a spineless cunt that rolls over to everything the gov says..

Mate that was not directed at you, mrs said it to me today thought it was entertaining lol.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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You gotta be pretty desperate to hang onto power of you get the cops to fire rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Vic police Pty ltd and their safe cities cops firing rubber bullets at them. I'd say next protest will be much larger. No government continues for much longer firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Unless you're North Korea, CCP, Iran, Afghanistan etc but they aren't great examples of democracy are they?
Take the jab if you are too scared leave your safe space. The adults are happy to go back living life as usual.
Get your third fourth fifth booster shot
Sounds ok if you're living under a rock. I like to visit my dad in the nursing home every week and help my immuno compromised daughter every day. Unlike you, I have good reason for making the choices I do, that are not based on ignorance. Feel free to join the protests in your local area, as it sounds as though nobody would miss you anyway.


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Its easy to see how the fucking Nazi's managed to rise to power and hold it for a while
Just have a look at the "vaccinated" little Hitlers on this thread

not directed at anyone in particular, (keep ya knickers on cunts)

except Billygoat, it was directed at you ya fucking idiot
and ya fascist mates

You are incapable of rational discussion.

So defensive, angry and generally dillusional.

Thank fuck Dan has locked you down in ya squalor :)


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Sounds ok if you're living under a rock. I like to visit my dad in the nursing home every week and help my immuno compromised daughter every day. Unlike you, I have good reason for making the choices I do, that are not based on ignorance. Feel free to join the protests in your local area, as it sounds as though nobody would miss you anyway.
your kidding mate arent you. my uncle died during that 4 month lockdown last year of non hodgkins lymphoma of the cerebellum at peter mac. got to see him while being treated at start then not even allowed at palliative care. get your jab get on with life. dont blame me when you get sick and in hospital like all the new cases exploding everywhere. dont blame me for you having to have booster jabs every 3-6 months. pfizer says this vax is only 50% efficacy now. so you need a third. ill do my thing. if you are too scared to live life and think everyone unjabbed is a cesspit of germs that's on you. ill wait several years before i contemplate a vaccine of this type as no trails more than 2 months on.
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