The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Forum Pisshead
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I thought the company that patents the molecules first has exclusive rights to the name or trademark, then when the patent runs out all the generics follow, think they use different fillers and ingredients tho.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Looks like Vic is fucked, no regional sport on the weekend the cunts, cricket training just started
all because a few flogs in Shepperton got a corona

we will all be locked up again, probably till Xmas lol

should of let it run thru the joint last year, we would all have immunity by now, a few cunts would of died, but cunts die all the time
corona is never going away, going to have to live with it at some stage, FFS the common cold is a corona virus

Vaccinations wont save ya, they are just prolonging the inevitable, you cunts will need booster shots every 6 months, for ever lol lol

Better off dying on ya feet then living on ya knees locked up inside

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Politicians are shitting their pants !never had to do any work.
Now the mother fuckers are showing their worth which is zero.
Our political system has failed us .✌

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Your such an angry, defensive, fucken retard. lol
Fuck off clown

I won't call you a fucking retarded QLD cunt hey, got a holiday last time 😂 flog

" It is much better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Dolores Ibårruri, "La Pasionaria" (1895-1989), Speech in Paris, September 3, 1936"

Read a book DC

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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824 cases in NSW yesterday. Infection is starting to spread, almost exponentially now. Projected to hit 3000 cases in NSW per day in early September. Yet, the tin foil hats still insist it's a hoax. Planning more demonstrations in Sydney today. Darwinism indeed !!! The govt is WRONG......they should insist that these demonstrations must proceed, inside the ICU wards, unprotected, with the Covid sufferers. It's their fucking rights to demonstrate en mass !!! And I don't want to take their rights away.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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I hope they are going to report flu cases and deaths in the future like they do corona's
Seems its easy to panic the herd these days 😂

What's with you vaccinated cunts wishing death and disease on the rest of us ??
you're a bit sick the head if ya ask me

Do you vaccinated flogs think ya died on a cross to save the rest of us from our sins
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