The Wuhan virus 🦠

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I hope they are going to report flu cases and deaths in the future like they do corona's
Seems its easy to panic the herd these days 😂

What's with you vaccinated cunts wishing death and disease on the rest of us ??
you're a bit sick the head if ya ask me

Do you vaccinated think ya died on a cross to save the rest of us from our sins

It's all a hoax. Government conspiracy. Nothing to be afraid of then. I support the rights of the demonstrators.

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You gotta be pretty desperate to hang onto power of you get the cops to fire rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Vic police Pty ltd and their safe cities cops firing rubber bullets at them. I'd say next protest will be much larger. No government continues for much longer firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Unless you're North Korea, CCP, Iran, Afghanistan etc but they aren't great examples of democracy are they?
Take the jab if you are too scared leave your safe space. The adults are happy to go back living life as usual.
Get your third fourth fifth booster shot


The Dwarf Hermie King
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You gotta be pretty desperate to hang onto power of you get the cops to fire rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Vic police Pty ltd and their safe cities cops firing rubber bullets at them. I'd say next protest will be much larger. No government continues for much longer firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Unless you're North Korea, CCP, Iran, Afghanistan etc but they aren't great examples of democracy are they?
Take the jab if you are too scared leave your safe space. The adults are happy to go back living life as usual.
Get your third fourth fifth booster shot
What when did this happen!!


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If there ever was a reason to wear a mask it would be to hide your identity 8n that crowd. Because the fuckers will be trolling over shiploads of footage isolating and profiling troublemakers.

Good on 'em for pulling good numbers. I for one wouldn't want to see some cunt lose his/her right to protest. Even though its probably not the right time imo.


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Yeah yeah.. I get it. if you've had the jab your a spineless cunt that rolls over to everything the gov says..

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Its easy to see how the fucking Nazi's managed to rise to power and hold it for a while
Just have a look at the "vaccinated" little Hitlers on this thread

not directed at anyone in particular, (keep ya knickers on cunts)

except Billygoat, it was directed at you ya fucking idiot
and ya fascist mates
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