The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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your kidding mate arent you. my uncle died during that 4 month lockdown last year of non hodgkins lymphoma of the cerebellum at peter mac. got to see him while being treated at start then not even allowed at palliative care. get your jab get on with life. dont blame me when you get sick and in hospital like all the new cases exploding everywhere. dont blame me for you having to have booster jabs every 3-6 months. pfizer says this vax is only 50% efficacy now. so you need a third. ill do my thing. if you are too scared to live life and think everyone unjabbed is a cesspit of germs that's on you. ill wait several years before i contemplate a vaccine of this type as no trails more than 2 months on.
94% efficacy of NOT ending up in a hospital if vaccinated and contract the virus. I much prefer those odds. The NOT-United States of America is a fair example of first world vaccination management. Their hospitalisation issues are now obviously centred around the low vaccination States. Yet the hillbillies there seem to have an issue with science, or seem too be caught up with their own dogma to be able to help themselves Protest your heart out, because this is just a big hoax anyway. Apparently, the world's medical community have just colluded in a giant conspiracy. Pffft


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Live under a rock, second class citizen, beating us up, its flat out discrimination. My moral compass is well intact thankyou.

Thats not directed at anyone, just a general vibe that could easily gain momentum.

I actually isolate and take things seriously. It also annoys me when I see people not isolating but I don't think they're lesser people. I don't think the homeless dude at the park deserves to be treated like shit because he chooses to live a vagrant lifestyle.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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A lot of anti-non-vac in this thread. I'll not be getting the jab just to shove it up the smart cunts that think they can impose their will on me!
Yet the protesters are forcibly imposing their will on our streets. No issue with anti vax, as long as you do that within the confines of your own family. I haven't seen any pro-vax protests in Aus streets?? They're not the ones on the street trying to ram their opinions on society. You have a choice about vaccines, yet I don't have a choice about the loony protestors actively trying to ram their delusional opinions on public streets. Vaccines are voluntary. It's the stupid protesters active in our streets that are adding to the problem


The Dwarf Hermie King
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4 words people. It's all China's fault!!!
Please don't forget this when you go to purchase an item.....


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Yet the protesters are forcibly imposing their will on our streets. No issue with anti vax, as long as you do that within the confines of your own family. I haven't seen any pro-vax protests in Aus streets?? They're not the ones on the street trying to ram their opinions on society. You have a choice about vaccines, yet I don't have a choice about the loony protestors actively trying to ram their delusional opinions on public streets. Vaccines are voluntary. It's the stupid protesters active in our streets that are adding to the problem
Why are you worried about anti jab people? Get your vaccine then your safe right? That's how vaccines work don't they? You want unjabbed people to be locked up because you don't trust the efficacy of your jab?

I'm vaccinated against most things including yellow River. Again, historical clinical data has been done. Due diligence I think is the term.

Stay home so the hospital's aren't overrun (nurses dancing doing Tim tok videos in the midst of that)
Then flatten the curve.

Blah blah blah.
Now it's mandatory 80% have to have it so we can open up. Vax passport been touted. Yeah sounds real legit.
The Spanish plague you mentioned didn't require the government to suspend parliament most of the time throughout to escape scrutiny. Opened parliament just in time and quickly shut again after getting unprecedented emergency powers rushed through by independents who sold us out.
Dan Andrews can't remember who said what where when asked about quarantine. Bit like abbot and Costello's who's on first base bit.
Locked you down this time on false data.there was no Wangaratta treatment covid. They admitted that after mayor pointed it out. It'll be a 7 day snap lockdown.
Cunt has no idea what he is doing except crushing small business. Don't see Ma and pas tuck shop being allowed open but it's ok for KFC Maccas etc.
Refuses to show his "science" or plan out except to post tweets or IG photos of donuts or top class whiskey celebrating his fuckery.
Lets BLM March and gets vic Pol Pty ltd to take a knee in front of the March but people that are losing everything/lost everything, marching for the rights to be returned get rubber bullets shot at them and pepper sprayed. I watched the video that wentfrom real rushkan. Pepper sprayed elderly etc.

Sorry I don't share your feelings of just stay home garbage.

The moment you use your armed militia ( Vic Pol) to fire on an unarmed protest you lose any and all moral superiority.
Generally that's the final nail in the coffin for democracy when that happens if history has taught you anything.
I wish you no I'll will old fark, I will agree we disagree on this matter


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Why are you worried about anti jab people? Get your vaccine then your safe right? That's how vaccines work don't they? You want unjabbed people to be locked up because you don't trust the efficacy of your jab?

I'm vaccinated against most things including yellow River. Again, historical clinical data has been done. Due diligence I think is the term.

Stay home so the hospital's aren't overrun (nurses dancing doing Tim tok videos in the midst of that)
Then flatten the curve.

Blah blah blah.
Now it's mandatory 80% have to have it so we can open up. Vax passport been touted. Yeah sounds real legit.
The Spanish plague you mentioned didn't require the government to suspend parliament most of the time throughout to escape scrutiny. Opened parliament just in time and quickly shut again after getting unprecedented emergency powers rushed through by independents who sold us out.
Dan Andrews can't remember who said what where when asked about quarantine. Bit like abbot and Costello's who's on first base bit.
Locked you down this time on false data.there was no Wangaratta treatment covid. They admitted that after mayor pointed it out. It'll be a 7 day snap lockdown.
Cunt has no idea what he is doing except crushing small business. Don't see Ma and pas tuck shop being allowed open but it's ok for KFC Maccas etc.
Refuses to show his "science" or plan out except to post tweets or IG photos of donuts or top class whiskey celebrating his fuckery.
Lets BLM March and gets vic Pol Pty ltd to take a knee in front of the March but people that are losing everything/lost everything, marching for the rights to be returned get rubber bullets shot at them and pepper sprayed. I watched the video that wentfrom real rushkan. Pepper sprayed elderly etc.

Sorry I don't share your feelings of just stay home garbage.

The moment you use your armed militia ( Vic Pol) to fire on an unarmed protest you lose any and all moral superiority.
Generally that's the final nail in the coffin for democracy when that happens if history has taught you anything.
I wish you no I'll will old fark, I will agree we disagree on this matter
Old Fark would agree with ya mate it's old fox who don't. To many old cunts around!! 🤣🤣
Personally I would agree with ya as well mate.
Something very fishy is going on in NSW and Vic atm.
Seems both premiers have very shady deals going on and neither seem to care about the damage they are doing to small and medium businesses.


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Old Fark would agree with ya mate it's old fox who don't. To many old cunts around!! 🤣🤣
Personally I would agree with ya as well mate.
Something very fishy is going on in NSW and Vic atm.
Seems both premiers have very shady deals going on and neither seem to care about the damage they are doing to small and medium businesses.
Fuck too many beers and oil it seems haha
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