The Wuhan virus 🦠

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Die from the vaccine ,,,,,,,it’s a COVID related death.


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Move along, we are here to serve you rubber bullets and protect you from children's playgrounds. Covid is scared of Vic police Pty ltd, I can half wear my mask, don't wear it basically do what I want because the badge scares it off haha


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Well I had my second jab today

Blood pressure , heart beat rate etc all ok

Had to see the doctor for a few scripts

As usual first thing he does is check blood pressure again

It was through the roof apparently, 200 / 100

Straight in for a ecg, heart rate was 180 and rising, fuck me I started to shit myself

After about 10 mins later , it settles down to 100 beats a minute

Another 20 mins or so back down to 60 beats a minute which is normal for me

1 1/2 , hrs later I'm allowed to go home , on the way out doctor tells me if it happens when I get home to call ambulance immediately

Fuck me

The only reason I got vaccination was to able to do some shit , like take the boat out for a fish , go to the beach etc

Now the question is
1 will I survive to the jabs
2 will I get freedom to live and move around ?


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Just heard on JJJ (New World Order Radio) that even though Israel is the most vaccinated country, they are having heaps of breakthrough infections (infection of fully vaccinated people).
The solution is now all the kids have to get the jab. FFS.
Meanwhile they’ve developed an oral blood thinning drug just for the kiddies to handle potential heart and blood clotting issues.


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Yep, and apparently theres another variant surfacing. It would appear this shitfight is only just getting underway.


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They’re finding (surprise surprise) that the people who vaccinated a year ago now are losing protection and may need a booster. Some countries are already doing it. What happened to immune systems?


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Yep, just last week they were already mentioning about a third jab. Pfizer and Moderna have a quick fall off rate (immunity-wise) compared to AstraZeneca. I'm guessing the gov will be talking about a third jab fairly soon that they'll probably want to start rolling out with in the new year.
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