The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Nobody mentioned the fact that both the cops and the protesters held a minute’s silence at the shrine for the poor bugger that committed suicide after the announcement of the 2 weeks ban in construction

Regardless, you don't take your shitfight to a memorial site like that. It's not going to to be a good look no matter how justified some may think their fight is.

It's there for one purpose only, if you're unaware what that is, it'd probably best to stay away.

Take your fight to the State's parliament house. After all, it's those cunts imposing this shit on the people of Victoria.

Ganja Kaiser

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some Chinese cunt
The filthy pricks name is Victor Zhikai Gao and is a Chinese international relations expert and translator. He is a Director of the China National Association of International Studies and an Executive Director of Beijing Private Equity Association.

Fucking wanted to punch the cunt in the head every time he said 'Listen!'...


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I don't mind them shooting at us, I'd be disappointed if they were standing there for looks. That last one though, the cop smashing the dude head first into the ground is not on, that cunt needs to be given a job where he doesn't have to make important decisions.

Ganja Kaiser

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that cunt needs to be given a job where he doesn't have to make important decisions.
No. That cunt ought to have his head fucking kicked in. He doesn't deserve to privilege of a job nor the support of the government when he has no other means of income. Fucking prick and his entire bloodline need to be wiped out. We don't need cunts like that 'protecting' society.


The man your mother warned you about.
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No. That cunt ought to have his head fucking kicked in. He doesn't deserve to privilege of a job nor the support of the government when he has no other means of income. Fucking prick and his entire bloodline need to be wiped out. We don't need cunts like that 'protecting' society.
Blood lines ?.

I think I’ll call you Kaiser Soze from now on.


The man your mother warned you about.
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I thought nurses and teachers were joining the construction protest today in melb ?.


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Least the QLD nurses union is looking into it, even the premier mentioned that anyone that doesn't want the jab, will probably relocate them to a non front line positions.

On the other hand, Looks like PRC might be funding training Vic Police Pty Ltd these days. Every video like that is a mark on their reputation. Hope the flogs know that kids of today are even witnessing their tactics at the moment. A couple up and coming generations will be dubious of them for their entire lives.

Careful what you wish for Dictator Dan.
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