The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Ganja Kaiser

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Funny how the video of the tradie getting smashed to the ground doesn't show earlier footage of what led up to the incident. Looks to me like he didn't comply with orders given by authorities. What do you expect to happen? A pat on the back?

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Funny how the video of the tradie getting smashed to the ground doesn't show earlier footage of what led up to the incident. Looks to me like he didn't comply with orders given by authorities. What do you expect to happen? A pat on the back?
So cops bashing cunts is OK, righto

Ganja Kaiser

User ID
So cops bashing cunts is OK, righto
Not at all. Been in a similar situation myself. Like I've said before mate I'm in two minds about both sides. Don't like the cops myself. I just hate when videos as usual don't show the whole story. Leads me to believe that the person uploading the video (not you) is posting it to incite certain emotions from the weak minded.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
WTF was the SOG doing there anyway, maybe for all the right wing terrorists hiding in the crowd hey
I like how the Gov and the mainstream media always give the full picture (y)

If any of you want to live in a police state, good for you, I fucking don't


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Every cunt at the shrine yesterday was in the wrong for mine. Protesters claiming that they went there in honour, is utter BS, none of those useless cunts probably never shown a inch of respect to fallen diggers previously.

And the coppers discharging firearms around the shrine deserve to have their firearms taken from them, and belted with stock of their own shotgun, then removed from the force, never to return again.

Fuckin grubs the lot of them. You want somewhere to target, take it to state parliament or police headquarters. Don't attempt to drag those that have fallen fighting for our country into it. You're not even remotely close in deserving the respect those men and women deserve.


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Nobody mentioned the fact that both the cops and the protesters held a minute’s silence at the shrine for the poor bugger that committed suicide after the announcement of the 2 weeks ban in construction
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