The Wuhan virus 🦠

Ganja Kaiser

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Fuck it's hard trying to stay on the fence. I got too many views from both perspectives, and the one no one else is talking about, the innocent and bystanders. I don't like what's happening to the construction workers either. They just want to do their job... just like some of the cops.

That fucking prick who knocked over and sprayed that woman the other day needs a good fucking flogging though.

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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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It was to get up John Setka head of the CFMEU, going to the Westgate

They are pissed off the CFMEU decided to side with the Gov and not them

The cunts at the CFMEU are going thru the footage, probably black ban any cunt/member from the union they see
that will cause more shit hey lol

If you want to meet some violent thugs, just pop into your local CFMEU office, you will find plenty of stand over thugs
the only way to deal with violence is more violence, or you will get the shit shot/kicked out of you


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Absolutely, Quokka. That's the way i originally understood it to be. But the misinformation is running rife now. To the point that on the list of demands. They apparently want the immediate rollout of ivermicton and vitamin C and D shots. 😄

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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This is for all you weak gutted cunts that support the cops and the Governments
line up for your 3-6 monthly booster shots cunts, they might let you out to play hey,
you will have to crawl around on ya knees hey cunts, you don't deserve to stand up

Just don't take up a hospital bed and ventilator if you get too sick, when the virus catches up with you. Better to suffer quietly at home, cause the virus is not real - just a made up conspiracy, right? Those flogs yesterday were mainly right wing fuckwits, hiding behind some genuine frustrated tradies. My bullbar would have flattened them all out if they're stupid enough to block my street and kick my 4wd.


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Just don't take up a hospital bed and ventilator if you get too sick, when the virus catches up with you. Better to suffer quietly at home, cause the virus is not real - just a made up conspiracy, right?
This is the kind of shit I take umbrage with. Regardless of your personal beliefs, ALL citizens have a right to a hospital bed... jakies, drunkards, fatties, mentalists even politicians... the lot! Having made your choice to take the vaccine does NOT make you in any way better/superior than your fellow man/woman... making a statement such as yours does, however, make you less of a human :cry:

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Just don't take up a hospital bed and ventilator if you get too sick, when the virus catches up with you. Better to suffer quietly at home, cause the virus is not real - just a made up conspiracy, right? Those flogs yesterday were mainly right wing fuckwits, hiding behind some genuine frustrated tradies. My bullbar would have flattened them all out if they're stupid enough to block my street and kick my 4wd.
Why ? do the vaccinated need them all

When did I say the corona wasn't real ?

Bullshit they were mostly workers

the cops would of used real bullets on ya, ya wanker, if the protesters never kicked the shit out of ya first

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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This is the kind of shit I take umbrage with. Regardless of your personal beliefs, ALL citizens have a right to a hospital bed... jakies, drunkards, fatties, mentalists even politicians... the lot! Having made your choice to take the vaccine does NOT make you in any way better/superior than your fellow man/woman... making a statement such as yours does, however, make you less of a human :cry:
Sit down Pikey, and read my post again. This muppet has consistently made statements about the virus being just the flu. It doesn't exist, so he doesn't wear a mask. You can't have it both ways, either you have an obligation to society and try to reduce the hospital load, or you don't. You can't just cherry pick what suits your narrative. If the virus isn't real, you will not get sick, right? Surely, if the virus isn't real, you won't need hospital right? Either it's real or it's not. Vaccination is an entirely different debate, about how we react(or not) to something that actually exists. But, if you think it doesn't exist, you are delusional. Why would you need hospital for something that doesn't exist? That's just absurd.


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You can't have it both ways, either you have an obligation to society and try to reduce the hospital load, or you don't. You can't just cherry pick what suits your narrative. If the virus isn't real, you will not get sick, right? Surely, if the virus isn't real, you won't need hospital right? Either it's real or it's not. Vaccination is an entirely different debate, about how we react(or not) to something that actually exists. But, if you think it doesn't exist, you are delusional. Why would you need hospital for something that doesn't exist? That's just absurd.
Cool story... but I have never stated that I think the virus is not real nor have I made comment on my vaccination status... don't put words in my mouth that suits your narrative. Either way I stand by my statement, if you wish harm/death to someone because they hold different beliefs to yourself that makes you a shit person... if you think it doesn't, you are delusional ;)

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Cool story... but I have never stated that I think the virus is not real nor have I made comment on my vaccination status... don't put words in my mouth that suits your narrative. Either way I stand by my statement, if you wish harm/death to someone because they hold different beliefs to yourself that makes you a shit person... if you think it doesn't, you are delusional ;)
I was talking about the Muppet, not you. Too quick to respond without reading my message. You mentioned death, not me.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Fuck this. I'm checking out. I joined TSE to grow weed and meet like-minded people. Not for this fuking bullshit.
Nah mate. My comments were directed specifically at Muppet not Pikey, or others in the group. The flog spruiks shit on every subject, and tries to put shit on anyone elses view. Just responding to his bullshit. Nothing new here.

Ganja Kaiser

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Nah mate. My comments were directed specifically at Muppet not Pikey, or others in the group. The flog spruiks shit on every subject, and tries to put shit on anyone elses view. Just responding to his bullshit. Nothing new here.
All good mate. I wasn't referring to you. 🤙
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