The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Ganja Kaiser

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Oh so now I'm a fucking clown because you're ASSUMING I didn't watch live streams and am only going based off mainstream media.

Well, let me tell you something @Pedro de pacas regardless of if I did or didn't. Your initial comment I replied to is still moot. You said it was only the pigs being violent? Last time I checked the cops were not throwing shit at their own cars, jumping on their own cars or breaking their own windows etc etc etc. I'm not taking sides. But to say the pigs were the only ones being violent is utter fucking bullshit. There's how many videos even on here posted within the last page or so of 'non-violent' protesters being violent.

Also - in case you're incapable of understanding this - your violent actions don't all of a sudden become 'peaceful' or 'non-violent' just because you may have reacted toward someone else or the pigs using force. Violence is violence. A punch is a punch. Don't fucking tell me those protesters were not being violent - initiated or not.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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This is for all you weak gutted cunts that support the cops and the Governments
line up for your 3-6 monthly booster shots cunts, they might let you out to play hey,
you will have to crawl around on ya knees hey cunts, you don't deserve to stand up

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Ganja Kaiser

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I'm not weak @Pedro de pacas. I'm just calling out the bullshit. I don't support the cops or the governments. But I also don't support a bunch of fucking gronks destroying shit because they're not getting their own way. Especially when the rest of us have to pay for it and don't have a choice in the matter because some selfish fucking cunts decided to destroy private and public property.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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I chose to get vaccinated
This is for all you weak gutted cunts that support the cops and the Governments
line up for your 3-6 monthly booster shots cunts, they might let you out to play hey,
you will have to crawl around on ya knees hey cunts, you don't deserve to stand up

pick some decent music next time

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
I'm not weak @Pedro de pacas. I'm just calling out the bullshit. I don't support the cops or the governments. But I also don't support a bunch of fucking gronks destroying shit because they're not getting their own way. Especially when the rest of us have to pay for it and don't have a choice in the matter because some selfish fucking cunts decided to destroy private and public property.
What violence from the protesters are you talking about ?, fucked if I seen any, except the cops shooting cunts
throwing shit at the cunts is not violence, they should of attacked the cunts and gave them a flogging

What shit got destroyed ? a few cars got dented for being DC's trying to drive thru the crowd


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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whats your job pedro? oh thats right you haven't got one DC
I do two lines of work
Prospecting for gold on pastoral leases and I get paid a few $$ for shooting the wild dogs whilst Im camped there

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
whats your job pedro? oh thats right you haven't got one DC
I do two lines of work
Prospecting for gold on pastoral leases and I get paid a few $$ for shooting the wild dogs whilst Im camped there
Whatever it is it pays more than shooting dogs, what a cunt of a job that would be
maybe some other cunt should get paid to save them


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Cops are a necessity, I don't always agree with their actions. Some of its highly questionable, no different like the mugs that blocked the bridge yestie. All fair and well to protest peacefully, but don't screw others going about their business, or fuck over their livelihoods. That shit isn't on for mine.

A lot of what you mentioned rings true, GK. But might pay to let the tax dollars thing go. Pollies, public servants, coppers, etc don't give a flying fuck about that angle anymore. A perfect example was shown just the other day when it was revealed that taxpayers have got to pick up the multi-billion tab to pay out the French for the sub deal that gov fucked up with. As you can see, there's bigger fish to fry when it comes to taxpayers money being squandered.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Whatever it is, it pays more than shooting dogs, what a cunt of a job that would be
maybe some other cunt should get paid to save them
To be honest I don't enjoy shooting them but they are a huge problem for the station owners and the dogs are covered in lice and ticks so really putting them out of their own misery.
The only alternative is poisoned baits which are VERY cruel imo


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Don't know. Some cunt said they went there because they own it. :LOL:

Probably closer to the truth the Chinese own it.


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Seems to be a misunderstanding of what the protests are about. Many of the tradies when interviewed were furious about the forced vaccinations, lockdowns and the mainstream's blatant lies. These guys are fighting what they believe to be the future of the human race as we know it. No Australian worker should be threatened with sack for not wanting to be injected with an experimental genetic agent that has zero long-term safety data.
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