The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


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The style resembles stuff out of the Fabulous Freak Brothers comic books. Wonder if it intentionally borrowed from that, or just coincidence.

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HPS turncoat
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The style resembles stuff out of the Fabulous Freak Brothers comic books. Wonder if it intentionally borrowed from that, or just coincidence.

I love the FFFB, bought the compendium earlier this year and still working my way through it. That image looks like somebody told a generative AI to make a cannabis poster in the style of the FFFB. I tried it myself and got things that look just like that with gibberish text. The gibberish text is an easy way to ID poorly made AI slop.

Sun Ra

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Happy fucking Friday everyone ........

For fucking centuries....

The first cases of bubonic plague, AIDS, Covid etc happened on Fridays.

Rome was finally overrun on a Friday.

Wars start on Fridays. Barbie's ancestor German prostitute doll was launched on a Friday.

Stalin, Trump, Hinkley, King Chuckles, Boris and Natasha Badnikov, the creators of the Simpsons, Thatcher, Bob Simpson, Ted Whitten, Marc Antony, ScoMo to name a few were all born on Friday. I was even born on a Friday ffs.

The worst work decisions are on Friday - like giving someone the arse, yeah, have a nice weekend you cunt, as are decisions to chat up the wrong person (swipe right in modern parlance), to have another round, swallow that pill, snort that line.

Opium was introduced on a Friday and sometime later banned on an even worse Friday.


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Sultan Of Soil
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Just because you mentioned Barbie

Q: Why did Mattel never bring out a pregnant barbie
A: cause Ken came in a different box

A dad went into a toy store to buy his daughter a Barbie doll
he asked the shop assistant " what Barbie dolls do you have ? "

" well sir we have Disco Barbie for $19.95 , we have Sport Barbie for $19.95 , we have Motorbike Barbie for $19.95 & we have Divorced Barbie for $295.95 "

" What ! " , " why is the Divorced Barbie $295.95 ? "

assistants eyes roll " well sir Divorced Barbie comes with Kens house , kens car & Kens motorbike ! " :D
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