The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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Sun Ra

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Jo Dyer has a way with words to get to the essence of truth. She sees politically motivated BS for what it is and cuts it out with a scythe like precision, much like a gardener cuts out strangling poisonous ivy from their precious vegetable garden. An excellent article that goes straight to the heart of the evil behind Liberal Senator and former Defence Minister Linda Reynolds ongoing legal pursuit of her former staffer and rape survivor Brittany Higgins.

Dyer, an Adelaide educated and trained lawyer, knows a fair bit about Liberal politicians, sexual assault allegations and defamation law, having successfully defended action brought against her by former Attorney General Christian Porter in 2020 in relation to her comments made in a Four Corners program about the alleged rape by Porter of her best friend who subsequently committed suicide.


Sun Ra

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Wow those speakers !
They're something else - French Elipsons - I got the spelling wrong in my post. Got them for $1,995 four years ago - ex shop display. They retail for about $10K now but I would / could never pay that.

Anyway - they're not as way out as these ones .........


Ferguson Hill Jetstream loudspeaker system.​

a mere £87,650.00 !!??
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Sun Ra

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how the fuck is he on newstart for 5 years? usualy them employment agencies force you into jobs after 12 months on the dole
You'd have to come across as pretty fucked up - but not so bad as to be eligible for the disability pension - they soon will give up on you as a "too hard basket" type operator and leave you alone - especially if you cause chaos when you visit the office in person. Probably a bikie of middle eastern origin at a guess ..... but maybe not - lacks the ink.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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They're something else - French Elipsons - I got the spelling wrong in my post. Got them for $1,995 four years ago - ex shop display. They retail for about $10K now but I would / could never pay that.

Anyway - they're not as way out as these ones .........

View attachment 51083

Ferguson Hill Jetstream loudspeaker system.​

a mere £87,650.00 !!??
Imagine having a party and some pissed cunt falls on em dancing!! 🤣

Harry bootlace

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You'd have to come across as pretty fucked up - but not so bad as to be eligible for the disability pension - they soon will give up on you as a "too hard basket" type operator and leave you alone - especially if you cause chaos when you visit the office in person. Probably a bikie of middle eastern origin at a guess ..... but maybe not - lacks the ink.

I’ve done stints on the dole for long periods.
Last time I was with a special disability job seeker provider, who did nothing for me for years. Then he called me in for a meeting.
Apparently he could get some bonus if he found me a job in a few weeks. This is after years of him doing nothing.
He then called me dozens of times hassling me to get a job.
I ended up calling Centrelink and complaining. I was giving ip booze and already had bad anxiety ( reason I was with disability service). His pressure was too much.
I told them how he said he would get a bonus for getting me a job after so long and they changed me to another provider.

But yeah I’ve done long periods. I can’t work anymore, not for others. so I’m self employed. I can be as socially unconnected as I like.

Haven’t had to use the dole for 8 years now.

And before anyone has a go. I also worked jobs most of my adult life. Got screwed over by every boss and got sick of it all.

Sun Ra

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A coach called one of his under 13 football players aside and asked, “Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is"?
The boy nodded in the affirmative.
“Do you understand that what matters is not whether we win or lose, but how we play together as a team?”
The boy nodded yes.
“So,” the coach continued, “I’m sure you know, when a free kick is given, you shouldn’t argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a dickhead.”
Do you understand all that?”
Again the boy nodded.
He continued, “And when I call you off the field so that another boy gets a chance to play, it’s not good sportsmanship to call your coach ‘a dumb arsehole’, is it?”
Again the boy nodded.
“Good,” said the coach. “Now go over there and explain all that to your mother.”


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I’ve done stints on the dole for long periods.
Last time I was with a special disability job seeker provider, who did nothing for me for years. Then he called me in for a meeting.
Apparently he could get some bonus if he found me a job in a few weeks. This is after years of him doing nothing.
He then called me dozens of times hassling me to get a job.
I ended up calling Centrelink and complaining. I was giving ip booze and already had bad anxiety ( reason I was with disability service). His pressure was too much.
I told them how he said he would get a bonus for getting me a job after so long and they changed me to another provider.

But yeah I’ve done long periods. I can’t work anymore, not for others. so I’m self employed. I can be as socially unconnected as I like.

Haven’t had to use the dole for 8 years now.

And before anyone has a go. I also worked jobs most of my adult life. Got screwed over by every boss and got sick of it all.
Yep similar boat Harry. I’ve moved to a disability provider recently. Centrelink declared my heart issues as “minor circulation”. My fortnightly meeting is 20-30 minutes mostly silence, few comments, more chewing the fat. I’m sure everything I achieve they get paid for. I’ve been in the system since 2020 and I’m sure I’m not counted as unemployed. The statistics we need to see is how many people received an unemployment benefit. One hour per week means you’re employed. I’ve worked regularly since 2020, less now due to health issues. I have to lie on the illegal health questionnaires prospective employers insist on to get work. If medical is an issue pay a Dr to assess me, not collect personal data.
Long term, if I can get two days a week volunteer work, it will cancel all my obligations. I’ve worked hard all my life, the system is broke and ageism is rife.

Harry bootlace

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Yep similar boat Harry. I’ve moved to a disability provider recently. Centrelink declared my heart issues as “minor circulation”. My fortnightly meeting is 20-30 minutes mostly silence, few comments, more chewing the fat. I’m sure everything I achieve they get paid for. I’ve been in the system since 2020 and I’m sure I’m not counted as unemployed. The statistics we need to see is how many people received an unemployment benefit. One hour per week means you’re employed. I’ve worked regularly since 2020, less now due to health issues. I have to lie on the illegal health questionnaires prospective employers insist on to get work. If medical is an issue pay a Dr to assess me, not collect personal data.
Long term, if I can get two days a week volunteer work, it will cancel all my obligations. I’ve worked hard all my life, the system is broke and ageism is rife.
Was better before when it was social security and hmm can’t recall what the agency for job seeking was called. CES! Damn forgot about them. At least when it wasn’t privatised it wasn’t all about $$$.
Anyway. Reminds me. Haven’t worked my business for months. Better get back into it.
Damn it all ;)

Good luck
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