The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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A very interesting take on all of this - @Porky - I'm sure you'd agree .........

Couldn't agree more with the article mate. The slow but aggressive degradation of workers rights has been happening since workers got even the most basic of rights.
It's obvious these greedy developers are lobbying state and federal governments to abolish unions which under the parasites of the former liberals they almost achieved! Don't forget Peter Dutton is multi millionaire property developer. Not on the union site scale but the same sort of scum bag!
Fuck I wouldn't waste my time on any sort of "investigative" journalism from any corporate news entity's in Australia. Because we all know it's nothing but vested interest garbage!
John Secka or how ever ya spell it has got his union members some of the best pay and conditions in the country and if that comes from the millions if not billions of dollars of the profits of these cunt developers fucking good on him!
This story is garbage and proves how easily it is to manipulate a story when you control the media!!

afghan bob

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Well just gotta add, I was with the CFMEU for 20 yrs when employed as heavy machine operator with Main Roads in Qld and never really saw any corruption or suss going’s on
At the same time big Russ Hinze (rip) was the minister for roads. Well he always looked after us but was somewhat dubious in making decisions in what part of the countryside needed upgrades and who got the nod on projects
Sure u remember big Russ billy
Anyway I digress, this was 35 yrs ago and it was always about the union looking after it’s workers with award rates and penalties until enterprise bargaining took over
CMFEU had more respect than the CWA anyways


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There's always going to be a need for Union's. Just comes down to how much power they should have.

That said. Brisbane best unload the the Olympics as soon as it can. As they won't meet target dates or be on budget. I'm not insinuating that the CFMEU are going to be the sole perpetrators. As the political in-fighting is the first issue to raise its head. Once we clear that hurdle and construction gets underway, it'll then be the Union's turn.. 🍿

Sun Ra

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Sun Ra

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A Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam all walk into a bar together and the barman says, " What is this, some kind of a joke ?"

A woman walks into a bar and orders a double entendre, so the barman gives her one.

I was in the bar last night, when my missus rang my mobile and said, "If you're not home in 10 minutes, I'll feed your dinner to the dog." ............. So I rushed home as fast as I could coz I really love that dog !!!!!
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Sun Ra

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At the end of the tax year, the ATO sends a tax inspector to audit the books of the local hospital. While the taxman is auditing the books, he turns to the executive of the hospital and says, "I notice you buy a lot of bandages. I imagine there's a lot of wastage there. What do you do with the end of the roll when there's too little to be of any use?"

"Good question", says the executive. "We save them up and send them back to the bandage factory, and every now and again, they send us a free roll."

"Oh", says the taxman - somewhat disappointed that his unusual question resulted in a practical answer. However he is now firmly mounted on his favourite hobby horse, and ready to be critical. "What about all these plaster purchases? What do you do with what's left over, after setting a cast on a patient?"

"Ah yes", replies the executive, who actually didn't have a clue, but rising to the challenge, he says, "We save that too, and send it back to the manufacturer: every now and again they send us a free bag of plaster."

"My, my - an answer for everything", responds the auditor, who also fancies himself as a bit of a sharp wit. "So what do you do with all the remains from circumcision surgeries?"

Without batting an eyelid, the executive says, "Here also, we have no wastage. What we do is, we save all the little foreskins and send them to the tax office, and about once a year they send us a complete prick."

Sun Ra

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This is my brain on current events.

So, apologies upfront. This week’s column is a shambolic fustercluck of sparkly unicorn poop thrown into a ceiling fan but omifuckigood look at the sparkles!
Kamala Harris looks like she could be the Jacinda Ardern of Bob Hawkes*, and turn Donald Trump into the Tangerine Mussolini of Jabba the Hutts. I don’t know about you, but until this week, I’d unsubscribed from a whole bunch of politics podcasts and US news feeds because they were giving me a preemptive anxiety disorder. Now I’m like a Brazilian cocaine shark getting its frenzy on in a hot tub with a sushi train.
Yeah, okay, I know that didn’t make a lot of sense, but what does this week? It’s the vibe, man. And the vibe when last we met was grimdark, raised to the power of torture porn. That’s why I wrote last week’s column as an absurdist Republican Convention Cthulhu mash-up. There are many formulas to comedic writing. Tragedy plus time is Mel Brooks’s well-known equation. But tension plus torque is another. In a fraught situation, you increase the pressure until the point of near intolerability, then hit the latch with a joke.

I needed a joke last week. But this week is the joke, and it’s hilarious.

It’s apparently not true that Lenin once said there are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen. (He wrote something similar but much wordier in a 1918 pamphlet, but he stepped on his own punchline with a lot of meandering references to the revolutionary praxis of turnip-powered ploughing engines.) Still, the praxis bit hit hard this week.
As a professional writer of occasionally batshit over-the-top narratives, I’m here to tell you that the last five days would not have survived a first edit.

Even here in the High Golden Age of Television, there are simply no writers good enough to pull off a script-flipping exercise like that in one weekly episode. It wouldn’t scan. It wouldn’t play. There would be notes.

And yet here we are. Fake Tan Thanos and his beardy minion boy Mountain Dew Junior were taking a victory lap before the worst Marvel villain ever had even thought to snap his fingers and disappear half the world into prison camps and… snap!
Everything changed. But not the way they had planned.

This could have gone so very, very wrong. It was surely headed there, fast. And we could still end up in a terrible sequel. But as Charlie Sykes boiled it down:
Leading in the polls, Trump was buoyed by a failed assassination attempt, emboldened by a series of court victories, and the uncontested master of his party. When he chose JD Vance as his running mate, he was spiking the football. MAGA was ecstatic, bordering on giddy. And then Biden pulled out.
This. This is Jujitsu. No not the hilariously awful Nicholas Cage movie, but the six-hundred-year-old martial art. Trump lined up an almighty hammer fist to swing at a doddering old man. He took his shot. And… the old man wasn’t there.

Just clear air, gravity, and the inexorable laws of physics.

And then, suddenly, old Joe was back. Handing in his notice. Stepping on Trump’s convention bounce. Choking off any sympathy for Cheeto Dust Hitler after a deranged school shooter chose to target his rally instead of a kindergarten. Kicking the legs out from under a campaign that was celebrating a landslide victory before a vote was cast.

I confess I’m overextending this metaphor. But like Trump, like everyone, I’m dazed and confused and free-falling through the backdraft of whatever the fuck just happened.

Like everyone except Kamala Harris it seems.

If you look back at how she handled the terrible days and weeks after Biden fell apart in that first debate, her every move was millimetre perfect, up to and after the moment the old boy stood aside. For somebody who’d been written off as a hopeless campaigner, her campaign to secure the Democrats’ nomination was a ten-hour master class in lightning war.

It doesn’t guarantee her a win in November. She has to earn that, and she knows it.

But Donald Trump has gone from acting like he thought he couldn’t lose to someone who’s terrified he might have already fucked everything up, and I’m so here for it. But first I need to have a sit down.


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He’s one articulate stoner JB. I could hear Norman May calling the Olympic metaphor marathon; Gold, gold, gold for Australia 👍

Sun Ra

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An old couple, Margaret and Bert, moved to Aldershot.

Bert always wanted a pair of authentic Marching boots, so, seeing some on sale in an Army Surplus shop one day, he bought them and wore them home.

Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?"

Margaret looked him over. "Nope," she answered.

Frustrated, Bert ducked into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, "Notice anything Different NOW?"

Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan, "What's different, Bert? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, and it'll be hanging down again tomorrow!"

Annoyed, Bert exclaimed, "And do you know why it's hanging down, Margaret?"

"Nope. Not a clue," she replied.

Bert came back, "It's hanging down because it's looking at my new boots!"

Without missing a beat, Margaret replied, "Should have bought a hat, Bert. Should have bought a hat!"
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