The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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This Optus outage. Sounds like a long shot. But i wouldn't mind betting Hackers are the cause of this again. Targeting their network instead. No doubt it'll be revealed in time, but don't be too surprised if a BS excuse is offered up.

Sun Ra

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CRIKEY / Tips and Murmurs / Crime

Which one of you drongos tried to send Scott Morrison a bag of weed?​

Someone tried to find out if there had been any drug offences reported in Parliament House and made an intriguing discovery.

NOV 09, 2023

After the hullabaloo that followed the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House, someone got curious about whether any such activity was happening inside Australiaā€™s Parliament House. Documents released under freedom of information regarding drug crimes in Parliament House since 2022 show only one report andā€¦ itā€™s pretty weird.


According to an Australian Federal Police report, on May 31, 2022, a patrol was called to Parliament at about 10am ā€œdue to them having received a package of Cannabisā€. ā€œThe return address was for Scott Morrison Canberra,ā€ the report continues, ā€œand the addressee on the front was illegible and not anyone that worked at Parliamentā€. The victim type was ā€œReginaā€, incidentally, which is how police classify offences against the Crown.


What seems to have happened is that someone sent a bag of weed in the post to an illegible address, and put the return address as ā€œScott Morrison, Canberraā€. So when the devilā€™s lettuce in question couldnā€™t be delivered to its addressee, it eventually found its way to the APH mail room.

Now, we donā€™t want to accuse someone who sends bags of primo bambalachacha through the mail ā€” and puts ā€œwhere the politicians liveā€ as the return address ā€” of fuzzy thinking, but if itā€™s an elaborate prank, itā€™s a bit of a weird one. Morrison wasnā€™t even PM at that point. Was the sinsemilla offered by way of consolation, coming roughly a week after his job got decidedly less hectic, maybe?

Whatever criticisms weā€™ve made of Morrison over the years, we should probably make it clear that we donā€™t think it was actually him sending out bags of drugs to hastily and inexactly scrawled addresses from the convenience of his parliamentary office.


Charlie Lewis ā€” Tips and Murmurs Editor

Charlie Lewis
Charlie Lewis pens Crikey's Tips and Murmurs column and also writes on industrial relations, politics and culture. He previously worked across government and unions and was a researcher on RN's Daily Planet. He currently co-hosts Spin Cycle on Triple R radio.

Kee Mao

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CRIKEY / Tips and Murmurs / Crime

Which one of you drongos tried to send Scott Morrison a bag of weed?​

Someone tried to find out if there had been any drug offences reported in Parliament House and made an intriguing discovery.

NOV 09, 2023

After the hullabaloo that followed the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House, someone got curious about whether any such activity was happening inside Australiaā€™s Parliament House. Documents released under freedom of information regarding drug crimes in Parliament House since 2022 show only one report andā€¦ itā€™s pretty weird.


According to an Australian Federal Police report, on May 31, 2022, a patrol was called to Parliament at about 10am ā€œdue to them having received a package of Cannabisā€. ā€œThe return address was for Scott Morrison Canberra,ā€ the report continues, ā€œand the addressee on the front was illegible and not anyone that worked at Parliamentā€. The victim type was ā€œReginaā€, incidentally, which is how police classify offences against the Crown.


What seems to have happened is that someone sent a bag of weed in the post to an illegible address, and put the return address as ā€œScott Morrison, Canberraā€. So when the devilā€™s lettuce in question couldnā€™t be delivered to its addressee, it eventually found its way to the APH mail room.

Now, we donā€™t want to accuse someone who sends bags of primo bambalachacha through the mail ā€” and puts ā€œwhere the politicians liveā€ as the return address ā€” of fuzzy thinking, but if itā€™s an elaborate prank, itā€™s a bit of a weird one. Morrison wasnā€™t even PM at that point. Was the sinsemilla offered by way of consolation, coming roughly a week after his job got decidedly less hectic, maybe?

Whatever criticisms weā€™ve made of Morrison over the years, we should probably make it clear that we donā€™t think it was actually him sending out bags of drugs to hastily and inexactly scrawled addresses from the convenience of his parliamentary office.


Charlie Lewis ā€” Tips and Murmurs Editor

Charlie Lewis
Charlie Lewis pens Crikey's Tips and Murmurs column and also writes on industrial relations, politics and culture. He previously worked across government and unions and was a researcher on RN's Daily Planet. He currently co-hosts Spin Cycle on Triple R radio.
Haha gotta love stoners. Hey,letā€™s send weed to the ex pm cosā€¦.. itā€™s fucking weed man!


The Dwarf Hermie King
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CRIKEY / Tips and Murmurs / Crime

Which one of you drongos tried to send Scott Morrison a bag of weed?​

Someone tried to find out if there had been any drug offences reported in Parliament House and made an intriguing discovery.

NOV 09, 2023

After the hullabaloo that followed the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House, someone got curious about whether any such activity was happening inside Australiaā€™s Parliament House. Documents released under freedom of information regarding drug crimes in Parliament House since 2022 show only one report andā€¦ itā€™s pretty weird.


According to an Australian Federal Police report, on May 31, 2022, a patrol was called to Parliament at about 10am ā€œdue to them having received a package of Cannabisā€. ā€œThe return address was for Scott Morrison Canberra,ā€ the report continues, ā€œand the addressee on the front was illegible and not anyone that worked at Parliamentā€. The victim type was ā€œReginaā€, incidentally, which is how police classify offences against the Crown.


What seems to have happened is that someone sent a bag of weed in the post to an illegible address, and put the return address as ā€œScott Morrison, Canberraā€. So when the devilā€™s lettuce in question couldnā€™t be delivered to its addressee, it eventually found its way to the APH mail room.

Now, we donā€™t want to accuse someone who sends bags of primo bambalachacha through the mail ā€” and puts ā€œwhere the politicians liveā€ as the return address ā€” of fuzzy thinking, but if itā€™s an elaborate prank, itā€™s a bit of a weird one. Morrison wasnā€™t even PM at that point. Was the sinsemilla offered by way of consolation, coming roughly a week after his job got decidedly less hectic, maybe?

Whatever criticisms weā€™ve made of Morrison over the years, we should probably make it clear that we donā€™t think it was actually him sending out bags of drugs to hastily and inexactly scrawled addresses from the convenience of his parliamentary office.


Charlie Lewis ā€” Tips and Murmurs Editor

Charlie Lewis
Charlie Lewis pens Crikey's Tips and Murmurs column and also writes on industrial relations, politics and culture. He previously worked across government and unions and was a researcher on RN's Daily Planet. He currently co-hosts Spin Cycle on Triple R radio.
Should of been a bomb that killed the cunt!! šŸ¤£

Sun Ra

Community Member
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This prick was "stood down" from his gig on 25th of September. He's still "suspended on full pay".
I seem to remember Albo saying this matter would be dealt with quickly, so wtf is going on ?



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Well his buddy Tim smokes i know someone that sat with Tim and Scott having a joint at their residence, not sure weather deadbeat Scott partook.
He's Fucking scum anyway
CRIKEY / Tips and Murmurs / Crime

Which one of you drongos tried to send Scott Morrison a bag of weed?​

Someone tried to find out if there had been any drug offences reported in Parliament House and made an intriguing discovery.

NOV 09, 2023

After the hullabaloo that followed the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House, someone got curious about whether any such activity was happening inside Australiaā€™s Parliament House. Documents released under freedom of information regarding drug crimes in Parliament House since 2022 show only one report andā€¦ itā€™s pretty weird.


According to an Australian Federal Police report, on May 31, 2022, a patrol was called to Parliament at about 10am ā€œdue to them having received a package of Cannabisā€. ā€œThe return address was for Scott Morrison Canberra,ā€ the report continues, ā€œand the addressee on the front was illegible and not anyone that worked at Parliamentā€. The victim type was ā€œReginaā€, incidentally, which is how police classify offences against the Crown.


What seems to have happened is that someone sent a bag of weed in the post to an illegible address, and put the return address as ā€œScott Morrison, Canberraā€. So when the devilā€™s lettuce in question couldnā€™t be delivered to its addressee, it eventually found its way to the APH mail room.

Now, we donā€™t want to accuse someone who sends bags of primo bambalachacha through the mail ā€” and puts ā€œwhere the politicians liveā€ as the return address ā€” of fuzzy thinking, but if itā€™s an elaborate prank, itā€™s a bit of a weird one. Morrison wasnā€™t even PM at that point. Was the sinsemilla offered by way of consolation, coming roughly a week after his job got decidedly less hectic, maybe?

Whatever criticisms weā€™ve made of Morrison over the years, we should probably make it clear that we donā€™t think it was actually him sending out bags of drugs to hastily and inexactly scrawled addresses from the convenience of his parliamentary office.


Charlie Lewis ā€” Tips and Murmurs Editor

Charlie Lewis
Charlie Lewis pens Crikey's Tips and Murmurs column and also writes on industrial relations, politics and culture. He previously worked across government and unions and was a researcher on RN's Daily Planet. He currently co-hosts Spin Cycle on Triple R radio.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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This prick was "stood down" from his gig on 25th of September. He's still "suspended on full pay".
I seem to remember Albo saying this matter would be dealt with quickly, so wtf is going on ?

Fuck another career piece of shit politician!! Unfortunately this is the road politics has taken in Australia!! I think you shouldn't be allowed to enter politics unless you have spent at least 15 years in the real world work force!!
These career polies are utter fucking scum!!


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Ban all political donations from all entities. Ban all lobby groups. Would be a start!
But yeah ya right the entire system is fucked!!
I think if work places are drug tested then all government positions should be randomly tested to aswell as the police ,why should they get a free pass .


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I think if work places are drug tested then all government positions should be randomly tested to aswell as the police ,why should they get a free pass .
Fuck oath!!
Just don't go testing Drs and Nurses or hospitals will be staff less!! šŸ¤£
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