The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


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as someone who only bought weed until recently, I first heard the term bush when I got to Oz and I understood that was what I was chuffing all the time from me dealer

few years later I ‘discovered’ hydro via a legit taxi company that delivered $50 bags to any address when u called them for ‘a cab for one’

aside from price difference, I thought the hydro was stronger, smelt better, had harder nugs so while I wasn’t disparaging of bush, given the choice back then, I’d always go hydro

but I doubt the bush growers my dealer was getting gear off, had 1% of the care factor u see with plants here in terms of soils, seed genetics etc. so might be why generally bush is seen as hydros poorer cousin?

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Sun Ra

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Here's one for all the Cookers tuning in ..........

"No, you're not entitled to your opinion."



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So next time you hear someone declare they’re entitled to their opinion, ask them why they think that. Chances are, if nothing else, you’ll end up having a more enjoyable conversation that way.

Love to see this bloke put this theory of his to the test with his mechanic, builder, tradie, etc.. next time. He might get one over them initially. But in the end, they'll see him for what he is, and bend him over and give it to him royally.

Sometimes it pays to be cautious to who's nest your trying to take a dump in. What works in theory, can offer up a completely different result at street level.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Here's one for all the Cookers tuning in ..........

"No, you're not entitled to your opinion."

The problem is most people are uneducated to the facts that make their opinion void and continue to argue with their factless opinions even when proven wrong! Then the uneducated party says well that's my opinion which makes other uneducated people think that an opinion is more than just a thought but may be a fact which it is not!


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Yep. I recall a time not long ago when a bloke caught a female Barra during the breeding season. It appeared he wasn't aware of the season, and bunged up this photo of his prized catch. Then someone made mention that what they done was in fact illegal. To which i offered a differing opinion noting that it was a female but she didn't appear have any roe on board, and asked him to cut the guy some slack after all it was his first barra.

That's what some folk do to take the heat off others, so they can enjoy their moment in the sun. Fact is. I don't know she had any roe onboard, but looking at the picture her guts had swelled to some extent (probably in preparation), and i didnt know for sure..

Opinions, aye.. ;)
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