The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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Of course only white people are not allowed to be proud to be white.

fuck off libtard.
Big difference between being proud of your race and being a racist piece of shit towards others.

Get off our internet then, And stop using our inventions and technologies.
Your assertion that "white" people are the inventors/creators of "technology" is not only uneducated, wilfully ignorant and moronic, but beyond stupid ...even for a subo such as yourself 😩.


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My Abbo Brother Inlaw was over on the weekend the blackfellas across and about 3 houses down sounded like they were killing each other he looks at me and goes what are the coons over the road up to I just shook my head then he goes to the window and yells out shut up ya black cunts I was like fuck man. Then there's 3 blokes standing out the front yelling for whoever it was that said it to come out. They weren't sure what house it came from . So he goes out and says fuck off you black cunts and pull your head in knobody wants to hear your shit. Then they said your lucky I thought it was the one of the white cunt's yelling out. I was like fuck man I've got a grow room full of weed I don't need the attention.


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Where's voxstik Bigflog he must be too busy growing that Daddy long legs strain that you bred for him.🤣🤣🤣 What a DC

Hash 710

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I guess you’re taking the piss.
But I actually tend to agree somewhat.
I think it’s common even unconsciously a majority of white people feel superior in some way.
Yeah I'm sort of taking the piss, its true tho lol

Every race is racist to other races its human nature
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I guess you’re taking the piss.
But I actually tend to agree somewhat.
I think it’s common even unconsciously a majority of white people feel superior in some way.
Crime is done by all races, But in countries that have a minority of black people who commit majority of the starts to be hard to argue with statistical facts.
Where's voxstik Bigflog he must be too busy growing that Daddy long legs strain that you bred for him.🤣🤣🤣 What a DC

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