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There's never any justice when you go up against the establishment. Fucks sake, even victims in crime, in general, never see any either. The victims at best get a weak watered down apology at best.

As for the Wieambilla Inquest, I've had a gutful of hearing about it. The media saturation up here in QLD is bloody ridiculous.


Sultan Of Soil
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Yes Yes Yes this is Tucker Carlson podcast , think what you like about him but Calley & Casey Means are worth listening to , they might be talking about Americans but you could very easily substitute Australians into sentences

Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill

Sun Ra

Community Member
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oh man, I wish I could have some hash. The best thing since sliced bread. Heck, the best thing since everything. This is why the almighty creater had inspiration to do the shit that needed doing 5 zillion years ago, or much longer. The ultimate end point. ###
Afghani hash back in the day ....... 😀

Sun Ra

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THE BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN was released in 1971 at select drive-ins where attendees were given “Satan’s Soul Seeds.” Customers were to sow all but one seed. As for the one seed, “if Satan’s Soul blooms red or pink, you are safe. If the blossom is white, you must wear the unplanted seed in an amulet on a chain close to your heart until the flower withers and dies to protect you from THE BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN.”


Love to grow

Foot man
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Cookers gotta cook .....

Yea his got some strange views that’s for sure Loved watching him play back in the day had the pleasure of seeing him live twice absolute gun don’t think even Fkn Jesus can save him for what he did to Alisha Horan giving her heroin told her it was Coke then wouldn’t give evidence not very Christian of him👍

Harry bootlace

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THE BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN was released in 1971 at select drive-ins where attendees were given “Satan’s Soul Seeds.” Customers were to sow all but one seed. As for the one seed, “if Satan’s Soul blooms red or pink, you are safe. If the blossom is white, you must wear the unplanted seed in an amulet on a chain close to your heart until the flower withers and dies to protect you from THE BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN.”

View attachment 51497
i’ve got heaps for those seed packets.


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Nice pipe dream, but the industry will never be united. History has proven that over many decades. There's so many folks with different agenda's that it impossible to be united. Everyone's trying to get the jump on the next bloke to work their way to the top of the pile. The Pharmaceutical industry would be enjoying this shitshow, just sitting back biding their time.

Something he didn't touch on is over-prescribing. There's tosser client's out there trying to pull 2-3 ounces a month, and the dumbshit's were happy to prescribe it. That was until recently, when the TGA jumped on it.
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