The Wuhan virus 🦠


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So we need to vaccinate the school kids and the young cunts, to protect the elderly and the unhealthy from corona,
even tho they have vaccinated to protect themselves from corona

Some cunts should be going to Jail hey, or just shot ?

Tend side with the medical staff. It is inappropriate and disrespectful towards the person gone down. He maybe right about his rights, but his morals are highly questionable.

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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Nobody should be allowed to film anybody without their consent, unless its on your own property
or they are doing a major crime

House burglary and car theft are major crimes hey


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Yep, though it won't stop those grubs that whip out their phone as they approach a car accident.

Film car crash, straight to jail.


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LOL, that's a shocker, pikey. 😂

What's pissin me off the most off lately about this virus, is the fact NSW is in lockdown and the half metre beaker bong I ordered last week hasn't moved on anywhere since Friday, fuck em..


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Bit of a grey area when it comes to what's appropriate I guess, he's not necessarily filming the kid, its more like filming something he thinks is wrong.

Kid could be epileptic or something though in which case it's flat out disrespectful.

Did he get it wrong? Does the kid have some other condition or is the jab actually dropping kids?


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That's why I believe you shouldn't be filming someone when they're in a undesirable situation. That when you have some goose put out there online, and it's only a matter of time some Facebook nutjob comes up with a bloody ridiculous conspiracy theory to suit their narrative. And then the rest of dickheads start believing it and spread it.

What's the end result? Society ends up dumber for it, and the person may have to deal with the outcome for some time to come.

I dunno how anyone can draw any positives from such situations. Oh well, enough out of me as it's pointless. Society will continue on its downward spiral..
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The man your mother warned you about.
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You would’ve seen this pic of Biden ,,the fearless leader looking to the
future sort of image.

all I see is a DC trying to remember what he just said.


The man your mother warned you about.
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And how come this chic always looks so hostile ?

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The man your mother warned you about.
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How come 9 times out of 10 when mentioning the side effect of heart inflammation they describe it as a Very Rare side effect.

It keeps getting mentioned though,,,,,this Very Rare thing.

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