The Wuhan virus 🦠


Forum Pisshead
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Can’t believe that still even now I can fly into Sydney Airport, get a temp test and jump in an uber and make my own way to quarantine.

I don’t think they even know the numbers of how many should be in quarantine.

I would of thought that after the absolute shit show fiasco that’s happened down here maybe a few lessons would of been learnt?

Or am I reading fake news again?
What’s the media saying in NSW?

All the other states look like they doing well.

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Testing is flawed . Anybody that dies has covid ,fumbled figures and it goes on and on everyday anytime you see the screen or hear a radio LIES and fear!
The time is NOW to wake sleepwalkers!✌

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Snuck down to the "stage 4" area today, went to the hydro shop
the highway was dead quite, should keep you Melbourne cunts locked up in stage 4 indefinitely I reckon (y) :poop:

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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See no one gives a fuck this is why we're all getting our assed reamed by our illegal government
Goodbye Victoria looks like your the Guinea pig , start lining up for your vax not compulsory or anything .
But if you haven't got it , no job, no travel, no welfare,
must stay home!
Fuck their doing it already!
Vax already made and in storage ready to go.
Police and army on the streets , army weapon less at moment but police are stepping up military weapon arsenal and training.
Cmon Aussie your in deep shit! ✌🏻 anyone?

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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yes Pedro basic things just don't add up to the level of hysteria shitting at us.
Make no mistake dark forces at work here.✌🏻

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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That's the 17 of August been a few deaths since then

The latest is 2178012 tests for 18822 positives, so still under 1 %, deaths are 496 so about 2.4 % of the positive cases
mostly nursing home oldies unfortunately, but there on deaths door anyway, so any flu would have the same result

They have no chance in the nursing homes, only get to hospital if the sign non resuscitation clauses
they get no CPR, no assisted breathing, just death, and that's if they get to hospital, not much hope of that,
thanks DAN ya tnuc of a human, just like all socialist, the death of others for there cause means nothing to them


Forum Pisshead
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Aged care seems to be the worst hit sector now, there’s an outbreak at frankston hospital 50+ medical staff infected over 750 in forced quarantine.

Hookers In stkilda door knocking quarantine guests that work on the container ships, they will do anything for 50 bucks.

if I was single and locked in a room for two weeks and a vigina knocked on the door id be making good use of it, put a pillow case over her head good to go.

They saying only 50% of cafes will survive in the city, guess the ones that make it will do a bumper trade when it comes back. The days of the office worker might be done, dc’s have figured out some jobs u can do from home.

No dark forces at work it’s a bioweapon that was probably not finished. Wait till they release the next one with a death rate of 25% or higher.

This one is good for wiping out business and livelihoods.

All this is China’s doing, them cunts had known weeks before hand and let it run.

need to drone strike xin ping pong dim sim that rat fuck needs to go.


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There's no doubt about it, it generally looks like a stitch up within our borders considering the stats. But i guess if you want to look at a strategy model as "getting on with business" approach, there's no better mob to analyse than the septics.

But yeah, bullshit aside. This covid shit does ravage the body once it gets hold, tend to think in some cases, you'd probably be better off topping yourself. As recovery isn't always a full recovery. Which why i tend to listen to what medical staff have to say the most, they're the people on the frontline seeing/dealing with it first hand.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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How do ya think the Spanish flu ended, it wasn't a vaccine it was herd immunity, you either died or developed anti body's and got immunity and stopped spreading it

it killed mostly young people, those under 50, the old stnuc had immunity from the late 1800s flu
ya can't spend ya life hiding under a rock hey

Protect the oldies, and let everyone else get on with it, its the only way forward IMO


Forum Pisshead
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Flu don’t attack your vital organs or make ya hair drop out. Health care workers are sitting ducks heaps infected that’s with the ppe too.
Media has no doubt pumped it up, but it’s highly infectious.

if your olds contracted it and died from it you wouldn’t say they just died from the flu.

it’s like comparing a port Jackson shark to a great white.


HPS turncoat
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Yep, only the strong survive, as cruel as this may be...

when a species overpopulates, nature will take its course

with a "correction" we are seeing this now,as well as,dare i say, Climate Change.

No matter how the

humane race tries to stop/avoid it, it is inevitable...
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