The Wuhan virus 🦠


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Yeah, doubt it'd be zero too, but compare Aussie population in relation to cases i'm guessing it'd be below 1%. I had a quick look for some other live stats but not having much luck at the moment.

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Funny that hey Indy can't find relevant info!
That's because we're being LIED the fuck to!
Yeah people are sick.
But the lies are coming thick and fast!✌🏻️


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I’m suspecting, like I mentioned, that if you have flu, it’s now being diagnosed as C19. Otherwise, where did it go? It doesn’t just vanish...
Look at the numbers of flu cases over the past five years versus this year. I call BS.


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Did you actually read above the graph? Or just look at the graph....? It says there has been notifications of influenza (65 I think it said) not zero. I agree it's fucking low but social distancing would definitely have a huge affect


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Near zero I should have said. Now compare that 65 this year to last year, which was approaching 20,000....
If you don’t see something amiss, that’s on you pal.
Over 300x LESS than last year.
Seems odd Victoria cannot control an outbreak Using social distancing yet social distancing decimated flu this year!
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For what it's worth, i got tested last week..

The nurse taking the samples informed that they're testing covid and other viruses, they take a swab from the back of you're throat and nasal passage.

The throat swab they used a large cotton bud, and bagged it seperately, before taking the nasal swab using a smaller cotton bud and bagging it seperately as well.

She informed me i'd eventually receive the covid result via sms a day or two later (took 3 days due to backlog), and now that i have been tested i was to remain isolated until i was confirmed negitive or positive (came back neg). I was also informed that the other results would be reffered onto my regular GP, and if i needed them i could take it up with him. Haven't bothered as yet.

At the time, she unoffically mentioned that no one in the region has come back positive yet, but it appears to be the rhinovirus that's going around the local schools at the moment.


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Near zero I should have said. Now compare that 65 this year to last year, which was approaching 20,000....
If you don’t see something amiss, that’s on you pal.
Over 300x LESS than last year.
Seems odd Victoria cannot control an outbreak Using social distancing yet social distancing decimated flu this year!
What were the numbers during summer?


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I forgot to mention another thing about getting tested. You can hit the nurse up for a doctor's certificate for work, if required. Most likely they'll inform you, but hit them up if they happen to forget.


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You mean Pre Covid? Refer to graph, it’s all there, mate.
Sorry I more meant text of actual numbers instead of a rough estimate under 5000 but I assume it's in the hundreds during those months according to how the graph looks.

You make a valid point, and I'm sure there is a mistake with something but would be interesting if it were the case that we have simply stopped spreading influenza through our covid efforts.


Forum Pisshead
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I doubt it, it’s more likely another mistake, we have the most under resourced Health system in the country.

The department of human services has made astonishing mistakes in regard to COVID. Jenny Mikinos the health minister is a fucking joke, she has done nothing.

people are quick to judge Dan but at least he is trying, it wouldn’t of mattered what political party was in charge when u have 100’s of infectious people who should be self isolating and they are clearly not home when they should be, that’s complete disregard for the wider community.

Mistakes happen all the time, look at ruby princess, look at scomo in Hawaii with the fam fam when the country was burning.

people are quick to forget, it’s just a witch hunt at the end of the day. All in it together hahaha what a joke that is.


Forum Pisshead
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My personal view is we all soft as butter, good thing we were not born in the year 1900

Can’t imagine surviving ww1 which had around 50 million deaths to then survive the Spanish flu which infected over 500,00000 and killed over 50 million in three waves.

To then survive that to have to try and survive the Great Depression if you made it through that then ya had Ww2 kicking off again.

so in the scheme of things it tell’s us this is just a little bit of history repeating.

And we are weak as piss compared to what our ancestors had to live and die through.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Speak for yourself Gazza lol

You are right tho, as a society we have became piss poor pissants, always looking for others for a hand out, or some help
the oldies would be embarrassed and disown most flogs these days, especially the Government Dickheads
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