The Wuhan virus 🦠


Forum Pisshead
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Fuck you beijing, I’m still essential plenty work for the gazman now, I’ll get a permit tomorrow to allow me to travel to work.

Bottle shops are considered essential too thank fuck for that.

Feel like shit for the 500,000 poor cunts that get stood down tomorrow 😤

Skeleton crew, so output is going to be shitfull.

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Forum Pisshead
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Fifteen people died from COVID-19 in Victoria overnight, including a 30-year-old man.

Looks like it kills young folk too, might be a low percentage but still, I never heard of a 30 yo dieing from the flu.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Bloody sad mate and to hear that 800 comfirmed people who were supposed to be at home isolating were not there when the Army came knocking on the door really amazes me Time for these people who are running around knowingly spreading the virus to be held accountable bcoz the fines don't seem to be stopping them what will? Two broken legs would be a start :mad:


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I don't care if I get the virus. I really don't. lol

It's the restrictions that have the most profound impact over my life, including gaining employment and self isolating etc. University is shut down...

I'm happy to isolate if everyone else does the same thing, gotta do the right thing I suppose for the elderly and young community....


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China is doing raids on Indian border
Threat to Taiwan
Interference with Japan
Interference in democracies
Sco mo ,making alliances with these countries all of a sudden
Cyber attacks
So mo distancing Himself from USA over China
Something they haven't told us?


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How do Victoria manage to get 1/3 of cases recorded over night to be HEALTH CARE WORKERS
Mostly aged care
Scomo needs to step in, poor old Dan is weigh out of his depth
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Forum Pisshead
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Mate no changes where I work it’s laughable what’s goin on!

got a bit of paper stuck on a wall, staff numbers on the floor are the same they running an arvo shift but bringing in more casual staff to compensate for the staff moved to arvo shift wtf?


Forum Pisshead
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A local post office with 3 staff can only have 1 staff on, but a factory with 30 staff on the floor no change.


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With social distancing all flu's/viruses should be down. That said, the rhinovirus is doing the rounds around the schools here at the mo..
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