The Wuhan virus 🦠


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Does anyone have a counter for how many esteemed doctors are refusing the vaccine?

I ask because I only hear about some nurses refusing it, along with others who aren't medical professionals.
Didnt you know that the bulk of antivax protesters are made up of medical practitioners? 99.97% infact.

If you don't believe me just watch this 3 hour video

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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We can never know the real truth as its erased as soon as its put up.
If it doesn't fit the narrative it's erased.
Blind Freddy can see this is about far more than Any virus
Or vaccine!
Open your third eye !
This is about edging towards total control of the populace.
This is the first baby step , feeling the the water so to speak.
I believe these controlling measures now implemented will stay with us!
I believe there are people in power with truely evil intent!
Just the other day I had an article come up on my screen about what a good bloke Peter Dutton is and how he'd make a great priminister, fuck that sent a shiver down my spine!!!
All I can say viewers is you all want to hope I'm a silly old paranoid stoner because we're heading for stormy waters✌


Resident Celebrity
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I believe these controlling measures now implemented will stay with us!
Well, it's rare for any Western country to repeal legislation once it's implemented, unfortunately.

It's hard to write legislation, it's even harder to get legislation right.

As far as Dutton goes, being a former police officer and now somehow a politician, he certainly exhibits over-reaching power hungry attitudes in his online surveillance legislations that he tries to implement. Especially asking multi-national social media companies to abide by asinine laws that him and his team have made up, which even teenagers these days can bypass, and then wonders why those same billionaire companies use this face:

🙄 and 🤣

when arguing why the proposed legislation is shithouse and unfair to them and us.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Australian government has forgotten us! There working for some one else!
You're not seeing what's going on!
It's being hidden from us , government is in kaos!
Government is creating kaos so they can be the heroes and stamp order on us all.
Wake up from your slumber fellow Australian.
Citizens unite.
What our overlords forget is there are many more of us than them !✌


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The unvaccinated have nothing to worry about, there's this internationally recognised thing called 'human rights' and segregation of minorities has always been in direct convention to that.


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You guys might think I was getting carried away with the pirate theme but this is essentially how we're being treated atm...

The unvaccinated are being punished purely because they failed to comply.


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Meh, just grab ya mates passport, drop it in Photoshop and make it your own.

I think some of the other states have announced a date in which vaccination checks will be ceased?

I guess if I picked up dan andrews and fucked him like a rag doll and he didn't scream I'd kinda be proud of him too.
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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Unfortunately news is those in my family who are jabbed are quite sick with a flu type disease?
My dad is sick and losing weight!
My son has joined the conga as he said he feels the sickest hes ever been! Fark!✌


Resident Celebrity
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Unfortunately news is those in my family who are jabbed are quite sick with a flu type disease?
My dad is sick and losing weight!
My son has joined the conga as he said he feels the sickest hes ever been! Fark!✌
Yeah, research from the scientists studying it are saying that the new Omicron variant is the reason why people who are already vaccinated are getting sick.

It's a bit like the HIV/AIDS virus, where it constantly changes it's structure so people's immune systems can't keep up and combat it like normal sicknesses.

It's all a bit fucked up.
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