The Wuhan virus 🦠

Aye Shroomer

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I had to double-check what thread I was in just then and realized it was this covid thread. Worried it was your work for a moment there. Dunno if that's a good thing or not lol

EDIT: Fucking that read really insensitive when I read it back. Hope you're okay mate. Sorry.
All good mate. Yeah I’m back to work now. Tested negative after a week. Still not feeling 100% though. Just out of shape and tired. So who knows if I’m still infectious. But it’s what the gov guidelines say.

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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I reckon everybody got a variation of the same thing .
Regardless of all the b's regarding test etc.
If 90% plus of people are jabbed who is spreading it?
I'm not real good at maths but...
Most seem to get over it except you guessed pre existing co morbidities....hmm cause of death?
Says the media is playing the usual tune of skullduggery!👹


The man your mother warned you about.
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early 2020 I believed all they said ,,,but it didn’t take long to figure out or see through the bullshit,,

even jabbed people are starting get pissed off at all the bullshit.

They say,,So many each day dying with COVID ,,,that’s coz it’s everywhere like the cold or flu,,,,,They didn’t die BECAUSE of it though,,

Too many just don’t give a fuck ,,,doing what they are told so
their shitty little life will carry on as normal,,,big surprises are gonna hit them one day ,,,if they wake up.

I need to sell up and go bush ,,off grid off the madness.


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If 90% plus of people are jabbed who is spreading it?

That's a VERY easy question to answer, looking to QLD as a case study. QLD had 2,227 cases with a daily increase of 20 cases @ 17/12/2021. This is the day the state opened to "Fully Vaccinated" travelers (also the day they introduced restrictions & punitive measures for the unvaccinated). Looking at the stats it is clear to see, that contrary to the current narrative demonising "Anti-Vaxers", it it the "Fully Vaccinated" that are predominantly spreading covid-19 alongside their "Anti-Vax" neighbours.

No judement on anyone vaxed or not, just interperating the numbers 📊📈📉🔢🤔

Saus -

Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 13-16-10 Daily Confirmed Cases - COVID Live.png
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Since I got my second jab , actually the day I got my second I was rushed to hospital because of blood test results,

Now twice in 4 months , in ambulance to hospital, coincidence?


The man your mother warned you about.
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Since I got my second jab , actually the day I got my second I was rushed to hospital because of blood test results,

Now twice in 4 months , in ambulance to hospital, coincidence?

i Was going to ask you how you feel about having the booster shots ,but I can guess your


The man your mother warned you about.
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This has gotta be persecution of the local unjabbed Aboriginals..

hope there is no domino effect ,,,,,
They won’t let me read it all coz I’m unvaxxed ,,oops I mean



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Fuk that Mic!

With the trouble you've had with the other two, I would be tellin em to stick the booster up their arse!

Ide Be takin my chances with the Rona....better odds on not dying...


As someone who is double vaxxed, I ain’t getting the booster.

Only reason is due to the recent health advice coming out I. Main stream media to stock up on Panadol and cold and flu tablets.. in case you get it.

Absolute joke.

Pretty sure it’s been through my household but we could not get a test without lining up for several hours, doctors won’t see you, so just let it run it’s course.

Perhaps I can thank the vaccination for that, perhaps not, but I am done with boosters.


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Hi all,

I tested positive on Saturday on a RAT test.
I started getting a scratchy throat on Friday and just didn't feel quite right.
Saturday morning woke a with a slight headache and scratchy throat so did the RAT test.

I made sure to be taking double vitiman C dose and kept up with my daily swiss multivitamin.
On top of that I took 2 panadol every 8 hours, doubled my CBD dose had a can or two of cc and dry and a couple of vapes every night.

Sunday didn't feel too bad during the day but got worse that night with a slight fever and the shakes from being cold even though it was 28 in my living room.

Woke up with no fever on Monday but still had a headache, continued with above treatment plan and didn't go down hill at all during the night.

Today woke up - no headache and just a little flemmy in the throat / chest, feeling almost 100% again.

I am double vacced (only because of work requirements) - not sure whether that made any difference or not but definitely going to avoid the booster as long as possible.

I must say last time a had a flu vaccination and got the flu the same year I was on the couch for 5 days and could not move - this was more like a cold than the flu!!

Hopefully I am feeling even better tomorrow and can start some exercise again!!!


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All the best mate

I'm definitely a bit dubious, the more I read my stomach problem could be jab related

Any one read or heard about that

Aye Shroomer

User ID
Hi all,

I tested positive on Saturday on a RAT test.
I started getting a scratchy throat on Friday and just didn't feel quite right.
Saturday morning woke a with a slight headache and scratchy throat so did the RAT test.

I made sure to be taking double vitiman C dose and kept up with my daily swiss multivitamin.
On top of that I took 2 panadol every 8 hours, doubled my CBD dose had a can or two of cc and dry and a couple of vapes every night.

Sunday didn't feel too bad during the day but got worse that night with a slight fever and the shakes from being cold even though it was 28 in my living room.

Woke up with no fever on Monday but still had a headache, continued with above treatment plan and didn't go down hill at all during the night.

Today woke up - no headache and just a little flemmy in the throat / chest, feeling almost 100% again.

I am double vacced (only because of work requirements) - not sure whether that made any difference or not but definitely going to avoid the booster as long as possible.

I must say last time a had a flu vaccination and got the flu the same year I was on the couch for 5 days and could not move - this was more like a cold than the flu!!

Hopefully I am feeling even better tomorrow and can start some exercise again!!!
It took around 5 days for most symptoms to pass with me.
Sounds like you’re on top of everything.

You now have the strongest immunity for the next few months 😂 no booster needed.

And yeah mic, the stomach problems are concerning. If you have never had any dramas before then it could be related. But if you’ve had to take a lot of ibuprofen lately then that’s a big cause for stomach pain.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Hallelujah moronic 7 network blerts this morning half the amount of people are dieing from covid than die of influenza annually. Leaders of our country need to Stand down!
What a farkin circus we are living!
We are the laughing stock of the world.😂🤣😃


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I've had to stay home and isolate because with my cancer, as advanced as it is, I can't afford to get the 'sniffles'.
I remain steadfast in my refusal of the jab and I refuse to have my shakey immune system ripped out of me by the vaxx.
So, I tried to get home delivered contactless groceries from Woolies and Coles.
Meat - forget about it!
Toilet paper - don't be silly.

They say it's in stock and so you put the item in your online cart, get to the end of your list and hit the 'checkout' button and 3/4's of your order disappears.
They don't tell you what they took you have to reopen the order, see what's missing
and try a smaller amount...again, and again and around and around we go.
Then you hold your breath and pray that you don't get the dreaded e-mail to say
what else they've removed from your order.
Your refund from Woolies took 7 working days to get reach my account.
Has the Banking system been triple jabbed? Asking for a friend.

Coles on-line was better stocked and I managed to get at least half of my order filled
without the dreaded e-mail of removal.

I managed to find some meat.
An outrageously over priced boutique butcher in town does contactless home deliveries.
They're making out like bandits.
I ordered their 'pandemic pack' which had a roast, steaks, rissoles, pork chops and chicken thighs in it.
They stiffed me the chicken with out letting me know they had none and didn't offer a replacement.
I had to find out when the box was delivered and I opened it up and checked.
I rang them up and they owe me 1 kilo of chicken thighs.
I have no confidence what so ever that I'll be seeing the chicken I paid for turning up anytime soon.
The steak was shoe leather.
Honestly, I've eaten beef from a 10 year old clean skin bull that was more tender than THAT!
I made a steak burger.....bit into the bun...the bun broke, the fillings fell onto the plate in a heap and
the leathery mass was left clenched between my teeth.

The bozo's at the top are destroying the food supply chain.

Make a crisis, offer a solution, gain control.
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