The Wuhan virus 🦠


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I usually start with an entire, a scolding hot bowl of tomato soup to the face for the camel rooter.

And you could just about scalp that big dopey cunt with the pathetic looking ponytail, swing the cunt round by the hair lol.
Fucking oath!!

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Never heard of Avi but after seeing that version the guy sitting at the first table needs a good kicking and the bald cunt probably deserved more than a tiny shove. Always two sides to a story hey.

I don't mind this dude, told you guys this fight was never about covid. I can't believe a group of pot smokers are willing to sit there and let this happen!!



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Here's the jist of a pirate... No country may take ownership of the high seas nor forbid passage through the high seas. Therefore the high seas belong to all of humanity and any man who commits a crime on the high seas commits that crime against all of humanity. As such the pirate is offered no protection from humanity and may be brought to justice (dead or alive) by the rest of humanity.

OMG, humanity has deemed us as non vaccinated.images.jpeg


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What gets me is the social change that has taken place in one generation. The parents of these kids that look up to Avi (for whatever reason), would've been the people that would've told Avi.. "Well, mate. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to fuck off back to where you/your parents came from."

A complete 180 flip in the space of a generation.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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What gets me is the social change that has taken place in one generation. The parents of these kids that look up to Avi (for whatever reason), would've been the people that would've told Avi.. "Well, mate. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to fuck off back to where you/your parents came from."

A complete 180 flip in the space of a generation.
Yeah how the the fuck does an Arab Jew become the leader of a while supremacist group!!
They must be the laughing stock of white supremacists the world over!! 🤣🤣


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This shit they're imposing on businesses to separate vaxxed from un-vaxxed won't last long at all. As those businesses that haven't already gone under, they'll need to try and recoup lost profits due to closures on every sale that comes their way. let alone the potential blow ups in store from various shithead customers that want their point heard. It's a police order that no business can maintain. As they're there to serve customers, not police them on their vax history.

Cocksuckers the lot of them (politicians)..
No it won't. The rule is in place until 2022.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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The man your mother warned you about.
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Shortages of workers all over coz they refused the jab..

The gov won’t admit the real reason.

I suppose it’s part of the plan to dismantle what we have so they can rebuild to the New World Order.

Be brave Pedro for it’s a Brave New World.
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