The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Sounds about right. To my understanding over the time of this event, the death rate has been around 1% mark on average, in Oz.

As for the accidental falls, I'm surprised it's not higher. As i know of 3 oldies personally that have checked out that way. Take a fall at home or in a home, carted off to hospital, told they can't do much for them because they're too old and frail for any fractures that they've endured have no chance of healing. So they juice them up with morph until they pass on a few weeks later.

Fuck getting old..

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Shortages of workers all over coz they refused the jab..

The gov won’t admit the real reason.

I suppose it’s part of the plan to dismantle what we have so they can rebuild to the New World Order.

Be brave Pedro for it’s a Brave New World.
Why, no corona jab here, I'll take me chances without one

The vaxxed should probably stay out of the hospitals if/when they have a bad reaction to the jab, or get corona,
their the cunts filling them up 🤣🤣🤣

Must be booster time for you vaxxed cunts by now, good luck
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The man your mother warned you about.
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This is like today’s narrative vs reality.



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It wasn't a crossbow and I'm not mentally ill, the cops are out to get me.

Why. can't we just be cantankerous picks that don't wanna do as we're told?


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Actually, that does sound kinda unstable... faaaark, maybe I have been mentally ill all these years 🤣

Edit:I have seven ex wives, you'd think one of them would have said something!


Resident Celebrity
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The guy at 1:08 in that clip was driving away from the police because he was wanted, and he nearly ran some of them over trying to escape, hence why the cops were so forceful with him. I saw that months ago and it had nothing to do with Covid or 'freedom', etc.

Shouldn't deserve a boot to the face although as Chopper said "Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn. The truth, the half-truth, and nothing like the truth."

The line at the end about rhetoric is ironic though, I wonder if the makers of that video realise that.


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Fuck I can't stand how controlled we are, to watch that clip I had to download an update, only to be told I had to sign in. Then they shoved adverts down my throat, ffs.


Resident Celebrity
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Are you on a phone or tablet?

I always forget that a lot of people aren't on a computer.


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Bloody hell, arsewipe Google took control of my phone without me even knowing it!!!??

Had to delete the YouTube app to get it back to normal.

Edit: Nah you definitely helped, if you hadn't have said something I'd have no idea, lol.


Resident Celebrity
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Does anyone have a counter for how many esteemed doctors are refusing the vaccine?

I ask because I only hear about some nurses refusing it, along with others who aren't medical professionals.
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