The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Yes the Nazi party was run by Leftards, socialist are lefty flogs hey

They conned the workers like all communist/socialist party's

"National Socialist German Workers' Party" = Nazi
National Socialism is a right-wing socialism
Think about it, left-tard socialism preaches equality, fairness for all
National Socialists want to kick out immigrants, think the world is for the white-man and the German Nazi Party wrought the holocaust
Just because socialist doesnt mean left
The term "socialism" is an economic policy or whatever

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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And you know this how ?

was in construction for 25 years, reckon I've got 20 hi vis tops, half would be clean
only toffs like you buy their grog at Dan murphy's

I reckon you must of been one of them white collar pretend workers

Who's paying them ??
Unlikely you've done a hard day's work in your guaranteed working with a pick and shovel I would make you look like youre a ballerina. All my family were( and still are) farmers and concretors. Try and working the deck of my boat for a 16 hour day offshore. You'd struggle to lift a pick anchor. Pfffft.
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