The Wuhan virus 🦠

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So its been around 18 months since the pandamic started, i finally have a first hand witness.

Work Colleague in NSW. Family of 4. parents in their mid 50's. Kids 20 and 24.

Parents and eldest child got vaccinated.

20 yr old son refused it.

Family contracted Covid 19.

20 yr old son now wished he had the vaccine, he thought he was going to die. Refused hospital treatment unless breathing difficulties are severe, assessed over the phone.

other 3 family members, including my colleague had mild symptoms.


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Setka’s done well for a fuckin laborer, multimillionaire 🤣


fucking retards
Admittedly at one stage when the camera panned across the crowd, it was a struggle to find one that might be intelligent enough to know what they were there for.


The man your mother warned you about.
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So its been around 18 months since the pandamic started, i finally have a first hand witness.

Work Colleague in NSW. Family of 4. parents in their mid 50's. Kids 20 and 24.

Parents and eldest child got vaccinated.

20 yr old son refused it.

Family contracted Covid 19.

20 yr old son now wished he had the vaccine, he thought he was going to die. Refused hospital treatment unless breathing difficulties are severe, assessed over the phone.

other 3 family members, including my colleague had mild symptoms.
so the parents and eldest got pumped full of the shit,,,,they shed it ,,,then the son gets it

The experts have been saying this will happen


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if it were true, surely we would be hammered in qld now, given the record numbers of vaccines people are taking?


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Well, fuck me. There is a theory for "vaccine shedding". Some fuckers have too much time on their hands. 😄


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doesnt explain the earlier comment about shedding. thinking about it, makes no sense. Which expert advised this?


The man your mother warned you about.
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Well, fuck me. There is a theory for "vaccine shedding". Some fuckers have too much time on their hands. 😄
I’ve heard similar to the link quokka put up earlier today,,
I’m more inclined to believe that than what the gov want us to believe .


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I would've thought as much, man. You've made that perfectly clear.

For what it's worth. I don't have much faith in what the gov say, or the crackpots for that matter. Usually try and seek out tit bits of science based evidence that surfaces from time to time, then even scrutinised that as well to some extent.

The problem with the net, there's no shortage of BS to sift through to get anything that's remotely true a lot of the time.

Though I think I'll let that vaccine shedding (to others) theory go through to the keeper..

EDIT: in italic
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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Get used to unrest and rioting it's all part of the charade .
This is no longer about a disease.this is about profit and control of the populace.
This is about your rights as a human !
Wake up sheeple!
Turn off your screens!
Our politicians are working for others not US !
That is quite plain to see.✌🏻


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No doubt about it, mate. The bastards checked out on us and the country's well-being long ago. And there's nothing showing that that trajectory is going to change any time soon.

Fuck me, John Setka blaming ring-in's like extreme right wing Nazi's for yesterday's shit. Weak as piss, own your own shitfight, John.


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Typical Union reps, dodge and deflect when the shit hits the fan. Happy to to take your money and up your fees with every federal wage rise and claim it as their own victory. But when the members need them, like in this case where they need them to stand up for their members rights. They scurry off and leave it with the members to deal with it themselves. Glad that the CFMEU have finally exposed for the gutless leaches that they are.

You want to know what a "Scab" looks like, look no further than this mob, and not your non unionist work college. A true workmate will have your back before/better than these maggots.


The man your mother warned you about.
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I got a message yesterday saying from 23 sept all construction workers need to have received a first dose ,,from Vicgov.


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Yep, if I read correctly. All medical workers in QLD were meant to have their first shot by October 3rd. Can't blame anyone for bucking system with these mandatory directives within various industries. I know if in a position like this, and didn't want the jab, I'd be already looking elsewhere for employment.

If someone wants the jab, it should be their choice, not forced upon them by the gov that's targeting the industry they work in. Power to the people with that one.. (y)
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