The Wuhan virus 🦠


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'bout time John Setka and his cohorts got bit on the arse by their own members, using his own tactics. You incite shit like that long enough its bound to come back around on you in time.

There's your leader fellas, running off with his tail between his legs, right when you need him. 😂

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Mates 22 yr old son had the phizer shot on Saturday,, he said only 90 minutes later he started to feel shit ,,I saw him that evening and he looked like crap,,,saw him briefly on Sunday and he was only slightly feeling better.
Sounds as if it's working well then, thats the sort of reaction you hope for so your body can produce the antibodies.

That's the whole idea of it. Produce the antibodies before you get the virus. So there's something there to offer some resistance, then being slammed by it whilst having no resistance at all.

But hey, what would I know. I cant even differentiate between the words socialism and society. 😝

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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So you need to catch the corona before the vaccine wears off, or get booster shots every 6m for ever ?

Ever = till ya dead hey, might only need a few shots

Natural immunity no good ?


The man your mother warned you about.
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Seeing the vaccines are an experimental trial I wonder how many of the vaxed have been given placebos.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Maybe the ones that don’t get an initial reaction ?


The man your mother warned you about.
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if I didn’t get a reaction I’d be asking for me money back.


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With most viruses, yeah, natural immunity is the way to go if your immune system is in good nick. But if the scientific evidence is correct, the coronas will give most a good touch up, or potentially send them toes up.


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Have been following this UK GP for more than a year now, he's been frighteningly accurate with his predictions so far but the following is terrifying if he's right ...


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Have been following this UK GP for more than a year now, he's been frighteningly accurate with his predictions so far but the following is terrifying if he's right ...

Fuckin hell, going by that bloke. Having a covid passport might be required so we don't mix with the un-vaxxed and kill them off by the mutations us vaccinated ones create.

Prepare for a sheltered life, anti-vaxxer's. :oops:


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Mates 22 yr old son had the phizer shot on Saturday,, he said only 90 minutes later he started to feel shit ,,I saw him that evening and he looked like crap,,,saw him briefly on Sunday and he was only slightly feeling better.
Me wife had her 2nd pfizer yesterday and has been looking and feeling like shit ever since.
Mate spent 3 days bed ridden after 2nd pfizer shot. Said it's up there with the sickest he's ever felt.
I had clot zenica 2 hours and and feel absolutely fine.


Forum Pisshead
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'bout time John Setka and his cohorts got bit on the arse by their own members, using his own tactics. You incite shit like that long enough its bound to come back around on you in time.

There's your leader fellas, running off with his tail between his legs, right when you need him. 😂

Setka’s done well for a fuckin laborer, multimillionaire 🤣


fucking retards
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