The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

Sun Ra

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Ain’t nothing fixing me today OF fully fkd I am can’t even smoke a joint I tried😂 gotta do it all again on Saturday to for his dinner with all the fam no wonder I’ve cut back on the frothys a bit I can’t do hangovers anymore wrecks me 👍
Drink plenty of water and have some bacon & eggs on toast. 🤣

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Love to grow

Foot man
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Drink plenty of water and have some bacon & eggs on toast. 🤣
Done that mate mrs hooked me up made me feel sick as fk actually I have no stop button when it comes to drinking she’s full send or nothing drank Boags Stgeorge at the pub then shots then Carlton dry at home them JD single barrel then devils cut Jim Beam I’m not normally to bad if I just stick to one type but when I’m mixing em she fks me up👍

Love to grow

Foot man
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man i don’t miss hangovers.
but to be fair i haven’t had one in decades.
used to be because i was drunk 24/7. now it’s because i don’t drink.
both ways work.
ones a bit healthier, but also less social.
I’m a massive binge drinker did have a bit of a break felt a lot better but then life happens youngest turning 18 is a good enough reason for a bender but after Saturday I think I’m gunna take another break for a month or so life is just easier without the shocking hangovers 👍

Harry bootlace

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I’m a massive binge drinker did have a bit of a break felt a lot better but then life happens youngest turning 18 is a good enough reason for a bender but after Saturday I think I’m gunna take another break for a month or so life is just easier without the shocking hangovers 👍
sadly* my binge drinking days are over.
one drink and a few weeks later i’m in hospital after one hell of a binge. I cant stop. which is odd as i have great will power for everything else.
but it’s russian roulette for me. my pancreas is completely screwed and my next beer might be my last.

* i say sadly, but i don’t miss booze now. took me years but now I just am grateful to be what the yanks call Cali sober ( no booze, yes weed).

I’m happy for people who can drink


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Here is some facts from the Whitehouse you won’t like to read of trump’s accomplishments while in his first presidency,,
I know you and the other deranged lefties in this thread won’t read more than a paragraph, It must really hurt i suppose.

But it won’t take long to read coz like you said he did fuck all,
Happy reading,,happy breakdown.
You had a go at me personally, which is really rather disappointing & find abhorrent for someone of intelligence. The Ad-Hominem attack is typical of Trump's MO.

I'm only replying to the FIRST in your litany of downloads, as I feel I can respond much more succinctly, even 'though I DID actually read the WHOLE LOT.o_O

This FACT stuff you posted comes from the White House's own propaganda machine.

Would you believe the same rhetorical "factual information" & chest-beating statistics if it came from the Governments of China/Russia/North Korea etc....etc....?

As I've said before: I'm neither left nor right. I've experienced the extremes of both.

Please, don't tar me with the epithet "Leftie", when I had a 20+ year career on the other side.

Oh, & BTW, Trump's ADMINISTRATION achieved all of those things, NOT HIM - he was playing golf....
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Trump's Middle East "solution":

Of COURSE (pardon the obvious pun)!!! What a Great solution! How silly of us all in the rest of the world to understand this magnificent solution to simply turn Gaza into yet another Golf Course for the rich & famous!!

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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@VinDeezle . Diversity isn't just about pink haired weirdos. It also covers disabled people in wheelchairs, along with severe mental patients like my daughter .
Thank fuck we live in Australia, and we don't vote in extremely cruel leaders that attack the disabled.

See Diaper Donnie is a blunt instrument. The disabled have been lumped in together with pink haired fuckwits in Donnies world. And none of his hand pickers arse lickers are brave enough to point out to him the far reaching impacts of some of his executive orders.

Shoot first. Ask questions later.

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