The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Truly ignorant. Shit is going to hit the fan.
How do you fix 77 years of forced displacemen and annexation.... more forced displacement and annexation! Meanwhile trying to push normalisation of Israeli Arab relations!
Of dear....Diaper Donnie and his quick fix solutions.......what an imbecile

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Sun Ra

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Of dear....Diaper Donnie and his quick fix solutions.......what an imbecile
Amerika to "take over" the Gaza Strip and will own it. Level the "site" and turn it into a middle eastern version of the French Riviera. It will create 100s of thousands of jobs. Netanyahu thinks it's a great idea. Trump: "We will own it". Wild stuff.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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You haven’t debunked anything,,,,And you just look like your clutching at straws to justify your stance,,

Fact is that you or I cannot prove or disprove the election,,And all you keep doing is regurgitating what the idiot box told you,
And projecting the fact that you are sucked in by the ideology of the left,,,
And what is a reasoned observer? Someone that observed the propaganda and thinks they got it all sussed out ?
Your just getting lamer and lamer as the day progresses,,
Crikey Sedge. You're still arguing the election was stolen

There was over 60 court cases. Many of them were conducted in courts where TRUMP ELECTED THE JUDGE.

You fell for his bullshit. And these facts somehow make me lame?

The election wasn't stolen. Only nutters still believe that. There was a podcast somewhere ( I can't find it....yet) where Donnie actually admitted live on camera, that he did actually lose the 2020 election " by a small margin." He already admitted he lost.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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BREAKING: Sixteen brave federal agents strike back against Donald Trump's corruption by filing lawsuits against his Department of Justice and FBI to stop his planned retaliation against them.

MAGA world never saw this one coming...

The agents are currently still working for the government but say that a review being conducted of those who worked on the January 6th insurrectionist cases is groundwork for retaliation against them.

The agents unleashed their lawsuits right before the noon deadline that the FBI had to deliver responses to a 13-question survey about agents' works on the cases to the Justice Department.

The survey asked agents whether or not they, conducted surveillance, collected evidence, arrested individuals, or testified in court.

"The purpose for this list is to identify agents to be terminated or to suffer other adverse employment action," a lawsuit filed by nine of the agents states, slamming the "unlawful and retaliatory" action.

"Plaintiffs reasonably fear that all or parts of this list might be published by allies of President Trump, thus placing themselves and their families in immediate danger of retribution by the now pardoned and at-large Jan. 6 convicted felons," it adds.

A second lawsuit filed by the seven other agents states that this review is a "potential vigilante action by those who they were investigating."

The agents are right to be suspicious. Donald Trump is purging our government of anyone who respects the rule of law while simultaneously staffing it with loyalist MAGA goons. This is a hostile takeover of America and it cannot be allowed to proceed uncontested.x


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(I’m) clutching at straws to justify your stance,,

Fact is that you or I cannot prove or disprove (anything) the election,, lamer as the day
Fixed it for you in yellow.
“Just happens that all the lies are coming from the left”

It’s sad you can’t see the folly of your statement. A lot of shit comes from the left and a lot comes from the right.
It would be great if you could detail these lies, with some sources.
Sweeping statements don’t cut it?
Perhaps you’re a troll?
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Can you point out any time when this joint was ever NOT a cesspit? 🤣
@Love to grow . Please scroll back to the very first post from SunRa in this thread.

It set the entire tone 🤣
When I read that initial post month's ago, I assumed it was Sunra's personal opinion.

But as time elapsed I'm starting to think his opinion is now indeed a fact 😘

We just need a court of law to ratify it


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"In this press conference, the US president also said that in the coming days, he would be making another announcement, and that is on the future sovereignty of what he called Judea and Samaria, which we all call the West Bank."

It's going to go a whole heap further than just Gaza

Sun Ra

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@Love to grow . Please scroll back to the very first post from SunRa in this thread.

It set the entire tone 🤣
When I read that initial post month's ago, I assumed it was Sunra's personal opinion.

But as time elapsed I'm starting to think his opinion is now indeed a fact 😘

We just need a court of law to ratify it
So why didn't you like react the OP OF ?

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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"In this press conference, the US president also said that in the coming days, he would be making another announcement, and that is on the future sovereignty of what he called Judea and Samaria, which we all call the West Bank."

It's going to go a whole heap further than just Gaza
Knee jerk reaction comes to mind

Love to grow

Foot man
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Chinese dumplings will fix any hangover

Ain’t nothing fixing me today OF fully fkd I am can’t even smoke a joint I tried😂 gotta do it all again on Saturday to for his dinner with all the fam no wonder I’ve cut back on the frothys a bit I can’t do hangovers anymore wrecks me 👍

Sun Ra

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Trump is talking about the Gaza Strip like it's some kind of Real Estate opportunity.

Even @Sedge can't defeat this. Or can he ?
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