Spore-tacular Shenanigans


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time can feel like it’s standing still when I’m at work or attempting to germinate beans, seems to fly by the rest of the time

27g+ dry from this second tray so far but its developed what appeared to be a fluffy white mould around the stem base of a few shrooms, so threw them away just in case

the last contamination was green, so it’s a plus I don’t have any of that but spraying the fluffy stuff with iso and it appears to have killed it and turned that area blue/black

there are plenty of unaffected pins so it would be great to get more but we’ll see how things play out



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Goonie Goat

User ID
time can feel like it’s standing still when I’m at work or attempting to germinate beans, seems to fly by the rest of the time

27g+ dry from this second tray so far but its developed what appeared to be a fluffy white mould around the stem base of a few shrooms, so threw them away just in case

the last contamination was green, so it’s a plus I don’t have any of that but spraying the fluffy stuff with iso and it appears to have killed it and turned that area blue/black

there are plenty of unaffected pins so it would be great to get more but we’ll see how things play out

View attachment 50125

View attachment 50124
The fluffy stuff might just be tomentose mycelium? Is it around the base of the mushrooms? It can look really fluffy at times.
eBay has 12% peroxide which you can dilute to 3% or 6% which won't kill the mycelium like the alcohol does.

I did the same as you did in a monotub a few years back and while the alcohol did kill everything, it left a dead patch which encouraged more contamination to grow.
Peroxide will kill the contam but won't kill the mycelium unless it's a high concentration


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The fluffy stuff might just be tomentose mycelium? Is it around the base of the mushrooms? It can look really fluffy at times.
eBay has 12% peroxide which you can dilute to 3% or 6% which won't kill the mycelium like the alcohol does.

I did the same as you did in a monotub a few years back and while the alcohol did kill everything, it left a dead patch which encouraged more contamination to grow.
Peroxide will kill the contam but won't kill the mycelium unless it's a high concentration
thanks Goonie, i though the iso would be the gentler of the two but I’ll try the peroxide if it continues

I reckon between contamination risk, final yields, actual effort and total cost, the larger all in one grow bags might be a better option for me
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