Random pics of weed

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Lol I see you had to reinforce the base to hold it up and stop it crashing through
I'm pretty sure thats every trunk of every plant I've ever grown inside....combined into one.

Yeah, i've ballzed this grow up a bit. I did originally have two girls in there but one was a bit wild, so i had little choice but hook the runt, and let the remaining one to take over. By then, she had grown through two screens and lanking out towards the ceiling of the tent. Which left me no options other than snap branches and lay it over. And by doing that during the 2nd or 3rd week into flower it stuffed its progress for a couple of weeks while it was recovering. Only just now the buds are starting to take shape and fill out somewhat. I'll get a pic later tonight..

But yeah, not sure if you recall this photo from a couple of weeks back. I had up-size the container it was in. It was originally in a 45L tub, but i've got her in a 60L now because the root ball took off as well. So yeah, that photo of the bound roots was during the process. The checkered plate was cut to size to support the netted pot, but i had cut a bigger hole in the lid of the tub to get the root ball through it. So the checker plate acts as a bit of a adapter plate to support it best i could. 🤞


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@Porky Finally got there..

Haven't checked on it for a couple of days, noticeable growth in that time. It might come good and produce the goods after all. Midway through flower and main cola's are bit better than golf ball size in diameter.

View attachment 51904
That's just straight lunacy. I just showed a mate the top pic only and asked him to guess how many plants in there lol. Answer was 9.


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Nice girl Indy.
I’d assume the reason we don’t see this very often is time? More time in veg than 9 small plants?


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How many yrs veg😂😂👍 that’s Fkn awesome Indy
Nice girl Indy.
I’d assume the reason we don’t see this very often is time? More time in veg than 9 small plants?

The process can take a bit during the vegetative stage. Using regular photoperiod seeds, usually soak 6-10 seeds, and raise them up to about foot tall which takes about a month.

Then tip each plant and clone it, label them, and stick the the rest of the plant outside to flip so I can determine their sex, while raising the clones inside under lights (18/6), that's the second month done.

Heading into the third month I should have those clones well established, pushing a foot tall again. Then select the girl/s I'm going to grow out (usually two), and cull the rest. Only keeping a male or two outside to finish off so I can harvest the pollen, and freeze it down until its required.

Anyway, with the female or two I've selected. It'll take around 4 weeks to grow them up and out (tipped once at about the 8th-10th node) to fill a 1.4m square screen, before I'll flip them to flower (12/12). Then the shitfight begins with the sativa-dom strains, trying to tame 'em the while undergoing a couple of heavy defoliating sessions. This is usually the time to decide if I'll have room to grow out two, or having to go with one. When that's sorted, then we're 2-3 weeks into bud when the big stretch is on, and got to make of it what you will. Sometimes you nail it, other times like this, you may have to resort to a radical plan like snapping branch's and lay it on top of itself and grow it out best you can.

But yeah. Vegetative stage can tale 10-12 weeks. But its a system that pays dividends in the long run with the sativa-dom's (imo). It makes for a long season though. 10-12wks veg, 12-16wks bud..
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Love to grow

Foot man
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The process can take a bit during the vegetative stage. Using regular photoperiod seeds, usually soak 6-10 seeds, and raise them up to about foot tall which takes about a month.

Then tip each plant and clone it, label them, and stick the the rest of the plant outside to flip so I can determine their sex, while raising the clones inside under lights (18/6), that's the second month done.

Heading into the third month I should have those clones well established, pushing a foot tall again. Then select the girl/s I'm going to grow out (usually two), and cull the rest. Only keeping a male or two outside to finish off so I can harvest the pollen, and freeze it down until its required.

Anyway, with the female or two I've selected. It'll take around 4 weeks to grow them up and out (tipped once at about the 8th-10th node) to fill a 1.4m square screen, before I'll flip them to flower (12/12). Then the shitfight begins with the sativa-dom strains, trying to tame 'em the while undergoing a couple of heavy defoliating sessions. This is usually the time to decide if I'll have room to grow out two, or having to go with one. When that's sorted, then we're 2-3 weeks into bud when the big stretch is on, and got to make of it what you will. Sometimes you nail it, other times like this, you may have to resort to a radical plan like snapping branch's and lay it on top of itself and grow it out best you can.

But yeah. Vegetative stage can tale 10-12 weeks. But its a system that pays dividends in the long run with the sativa-dom's (imo). It makes for a long season though. 10-12 veg, 12-16 bud..
Yea nah fk that😂😂😂 I get 2 grows in that time impressive though mate👍
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