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My pick of the three mango stick autos (mango Thai X Thai Ryder/Thai landrace). Nice elongated structure. Not quite finished stretch. Looks more like the Thai I used to run outdoors. Same lighter foliage, thin branching and long, easily purpled petioles.


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Told this one before. Old family friend had a yacht that was getting broken into regularly at one stage. Once he finally got the shits with it, he took one of his spearguns, and took the barb off it, and replaced it with a billiard ball, and booby-trapped the hatch, with the speargun aimed at it hatch.

Anyway, one day checking it, he'd seen it eventually went off. And from that day onwards the yacht had never been fucked with again. Here's hoping the prick who was doing it got his just desserts.

afghan bob

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Told this one before. Old family friend had a yacht that was getting broken into regularly at one stage. Once he finally got the shits with it, he took one of his spearguns, and took the barb off it, and replaced it with a billiard ball, and booby-trapped the hatch, with the speargun aimed at it hatch.

Anyway, one day checking it, he'd seen it eventually went off. And from that day onwards the yacht had never been fucked with again. Here's hoping the prick who was doing it got his just desserts.
Either that or he plays a lot of snooker


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Thickening up nice Vin They seem to be holding up nice . Mine are starting to droop a bit couldn't be bothered scrog this late.
Some of yours (the bigger CBD especially) is looking wild in that regard. Super dense looking colas. Super impressed with your sand run.


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Some of yours (the bigger CBD especially) is looking wild in that regard. Super dense looking colas. Super impressed with your sand run.
Thanks Vin one CBD is dry the other is ready to hang. Very happy with the sand so easy . The biggest down side is the Weight of the pots . haven't done any defol due to I can't lift em🙃


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Mango Smile Autoflower
View attachment 51678
Tangie'matic seeded calyx.
View attachment 51680

Looks like I'll get a very small amount of seeds from the autoflowers. Very strange how only a few stray calyxes ended up getting pollinated from multiple dustings.
I had the same problem with my last seed run. I got fuck all, I'm going to test a few when I start up again next week. I put it down to my timing and the pollens viability.

Goonie Goat

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I had the same problem with my last seed run. I got fuck all, I'm going to test a few when I start up again next week. I put it down to my timing and the pollens viability.
I reckon I got too trigger happy with the STS I think. Next time only going to give 1 spray

afghan bob

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I had the same problem with my last seed run. I got fuck all, I'm going to test a few when I start up again next week. I put it down to my timing and the pollens viability.
Under the scope your trikes on that Green Dragon like full on elbows with beach balls stuck on top
No complaints there
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