My setup

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Testing what?
Do all the tests you like ,not really going to mean anything?
You do realise as soon as put water in there and maybe even some plants you won't know what going to happen environment wise
The plants eventually will create their own little micro climate in the tent, that's when you need to know what to do
All the little apparatus will tell somethings wrong , what you do next could be the make or break of your grow
Expose your roots to light could be all it takes to kill them

Red Eye Hero

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Have you thought about harvest yet mate? There's a bunch of shit you could be buying to help trim, dry and cure those pounds you be growing
Funny you say that was trying to con my cousin into buying this

But I will probably have to settle for something like this

Or this

Red Eye Hero

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That’s the best advice he’s been given. Ive got mates that rent and have inspections every 6 months and they have to pull down and set up again every 6 months. Sounds like fuckin hell to me.
I shouldn’t have to pull down the system i’ll just build a big box fort around it no one will know what it is it’ll just look like storage
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