My setup

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Red Eye Hero

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sorry just over 400 in nutes my bad, the point im trying to get across is you are spending money on stuff that in the end won't be the difference makers in yeild or quality. The additives can be argued in an absolute perfect growing enviorment could boost plant growth, but we haven't even got 1 crop yet. the guardian, could of spent 100 bucks on pen which in the end would do the same thing. ( I would love to have a guardian, but is isn't necvessary) they aren't gonna fix lack of light issues in ya plants.

Trust me mate we all want you to succeed in this adventure, although we are coming across as stand offish we are all trying to help you. I think everyone who has posted in this thread has harvested multiple crops in doors, gazza has done aero plants, arguably much harder than RDWC, he knows his shit.
I know everyones trying to help sorry if I come across as a know it all I don’t mean to the more comments and different opinions the better

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Don't downsize your tent, you just will have areas in that 5x5 tent with that light that will not be covered, or barely covered in light.

Look at the ppfd map that is supplied on the mars hydro website, look at ideal ppfd levels for cannabis at certain points in its life, ie. veg, stretch, pre flower, flower. Come up with your own conclusion.

Again i'm jsut trying to highlight unnecessary expensive purchases won't increase your yeild or success in that tent. Lighting will be the thing holding you back


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yeah, nah.

You still need the same watt for watt to be successful, regardless of the type of light..

And hence everyone is encouraging you to invest in MORE light for that space.

Red Eye Hero

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Can anyone suggest a really good light for that space I’ll probably get it on the next grow if the Mars hydro performs like a piece of shit


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and can cover around 2.2mx1.2m from memory (could very well be a little out on that figure)...


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Watt for watt led's will output more light. LEDs have a much larger initial investment, that you need to account for that will be made up over time.

The environment you are pulling air in from might dictate which light is better, with HID systems putting out much more radiant heat from the bulbs onto the plants. If you need heat for long periods of the year HID might be the go, whereas LED can reduce the demand on cooling needed

Red Eye Hero

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Watt for watt led's will output more light. LEDs have a much larger initial investment, that you need to account for that will be made up over time.

The environment you are pulling air in from might dictate which light is better, with HID systems putting out much more radiant heat from the bulbs onto the plants. If you need heat for long periods of the year HID might be the go, whereas LED can reduce the demand on cooling needed
That’s one of the reasons I went led save money over time on bulbs and electricity I put the Meanwell drivers in the tent to warm it up other wise it’s too cold 🥶


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1000 w HPS ,,will cover that size ,,,and boost your yield without forking out too much Dollars,,,,,next crop for summer get LED that will handle your footprint..then you got good powerful winter light And led for the summer..

Red Eye Hero

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Or this


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Edit* jsut stick with what you got maybe upgrade to a hid to complement it in the future. Get some grows in then go full bore.
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