My setup

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Red Eye Hero

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hey mate, I don't believe VPD is a set thing, i wouldn't go chasing a set VPD number as well.

Have you actually read a PPFD average map for the mars ts3000? I think you will find that it will not cover your 5x5 tent well enough. Guess they didn't mentiuon that on ilovegrowingmarijuana.

If you are seriuous about yeilding well in that space, lighitng will be your direct hold up. I would look into terms like PPF, PPFD, average PPFD, CRI when looking at LEDs for use in horticultural settings.
Yea I knew about the light after I bought it oh well and why would that be on that site I only got my seeds from there ?

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I'm sorry that was a bitchy comment about that site, trust me it is frustrating seeing you a new grower spend more money on tiny bottles of h and g nutes than your lighting source, especially when it's been mentioned multiple times.

I guarentee you will yeild better if you start investing money into lighting than the fanciest gear.

I am using a 450w LED to flower roughly a 1.2 x 1.2 space and that leaves space not properly coveraged by the light.

Edit* im trying to highlight you spending innecessary money on shit for your first grow. i believe you should get a grow under your belt as well before spending mroe money on a bluelab guardian thatn your lighting setup.

Red Eye Hero

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I'm sorry that was a bitchy comment about that site, trust me it is frustrating seeing you a new grower spend more money on tiny bottles of h and g nutes than your lighting source, especially when it's been mentioned multiple times.

I guarentee you will yeild better if you start investing money into lighting than the fanciest gear.

I am using a 450w LED to flower roughly a 1.2 x 1.2 space and that leaves space not properly coveraged by the light.
That’s why I plan to manipulate the plant by mainlining and make the plant grow in the direction I want it to go


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You could add 4x SP150 around the perimeter if you didn't want to build your own fixture like some people on here are.

Bringing your total light source to 1000w


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Can you send me some links


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Tunks helped me decipher Digi Key and select the right parts, maybe he will be kind enough to assist you also.

I went for 8 strips and 2x 240w drivers, you would be able to go for 8 strips and 1x 480w driver to fill out each side with 2x strips for a total of 8 @ 480w

I think there is also double length strips the same diodes which might be a better option using 4 and 1x 480w driver
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