My setup

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Not when it comes rdwc if you got the wrong shit you’re gonna grow shit
My mate has a rdwc system that he made him self like gazza and it was cheap. His plants are always good.
You need to gain some experience before you start making blanket statements like the one above.
Im still very keen to see your grow and if all the stuff you have bought actually helps or hinders you.


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hey mate, I don't believe VPD is a set thing, i wouldn't go chasing a set VPD number as well.

Have you actually read a PPFD average map for the mars ts3000? I think you will find that it will not cover your 5x5 tent well enough. Guess they didn't mentiuon that on ilovegrowingmarijuana.

If you are seriuous about yeilding well in that space, lighitng will be your direct hold up. I would look into terms like PPF, PPFD, average PPFD, CRI when looking at LEDs for use in horticultural settings.


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Bugga, would've been good to have external sensors/probes and take various readings around the space. Like growing area above and below the canopy, the inlet and outlet of the ventilation system, even hotspots to some extent in and around the entire area. With that sort of data you can dial a setup in some more.

I've previously removed a humidity problem simply by monitoring the inlet and outlet vents. The humidity was lower at the inlet compared to the outlet by about 10-15%, which in turn had me questioning the idea of keeping the reservoir in the grow space. So i put the res outside and i managed to get humidity down by about 10% than previously. And i monitored that by using a couple of cheap digi temp gauges (one at each vent).

Anyway, data from one point isn't such a bad thing, at least it's some form of monitoring, Oz88. (y)
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