Your most imaginative way to end this C@#T!


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Very high in protein, far better for you than beef.

The west has a real issue with this but they currently eat bugs in Asia and so do you... every time you eat chocolate; it's full of bug fragments because they can't stop bugs from entering the production... so why is this allowable? - there's nothing wrong with eating bugs :LOL: and by the time it's all mixed/chopped up, the chocolate heated, etc. it's perfectly safe to eat... and that's just in chocolate...

You could be accidentally eating 140,000 pieces of insect a year

Yeah and red food dye is crushed bugs, anal gland secretions are natural flavourings, etc. I try to avoid all that shit. Also insects, like rabbits, lack fat and normies who think low fat diets are still all the rage will assume protein is protein and slowly kill themselves if they convert to bugs. This I'm ok with in general but all the same I refuse to eat bugs. I don't even like prawns, lobster or crabs. I like traditional farm animals and live in the middle of a massive farming region of QLD so I'll never have an issue in getting actual meat. I might have to buy half an animal at a time but that's what freezers are for.

If worse comes to worse I'll take up religion and become a jew. They're forbidden from eating bugs, would be totally exempt from any laws that try to force bugs on the goyim, giving up bacon would be a small price to pay to continue eating other farm animals and if anyone says anything I can oy vey them and say they're attempting another holocaust upon my people except this time they're taking food out of our ovens instead of putting us in them :LOL:

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Pooey to that idea!
God doesn't exist and I prefer my penis intact no matter what the mythical trans person in the clouds has to say about it.

You may like this:

I found it in the Aus. Atheists group:

Australian Atheists with a Sense of Humour

Ricky Gervais is a brilliant comedian. He's able to get a laugh out of you even when you disagree with him entirely.
Not that it matters but I was an atheist. I would tell everyone they were retarded for believing in the adult version of santa and the rest of it having a right laugh at their stupidity while thinking of myself as coming from not only the intellectual high ground but from a position of moral and ethical authority as well. In short I was so self sure of myself, my intelligence, what I built the core of my beliefs around, etc. I was unshakeable no matter which argument came my way.

Want to know what made a believer out of me though? Psychedelics.
I tried mushies first and they showed me how we were all connected, shared the same energy, etc. in short we're one.
I tried LSD and got in a fight with gravity which I lost and found out some inner workings to the universe as a result.
Lastly I tried mescaline from trichocereus cacti and had my worldview absolutely raped. I wish there were a better way of putting it but the shit I've seen tripping on cactus is something else. I'll spare you all the details and start you with something that's been passed down the ages and with good reason.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

The boat is our physical vessel for the soul, the stream is consciousness itself which is akin to god. Rowing and being merrily mean that you should go though life choosing the actions that lead to a happy outcome but not in the degenerate sense where you become a drug addict or a whore but with delayed gratification where you've worked for your reward of feeling as though your life was one worth lived. The real secret to it all though is that life is but a dream. Why? Because the universe is eternal, you can even check your precious science, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Even your best scientists like max plank say that god is waiting for you at the bottom of the glass of science because in the end they're forced for admit that the universe stems from a single origin (god) and no matter which death it faces will ultimately be reborn. In short god is the universe, it lived as god in a perfect state, died and ushered in the universe as we know it and will be reborn at the end of time. This cycle will repeat infinitely making god the ultimate being telling the ultimate story where life itself forms the basis of it's presentation. Why would god do that? It's the ultimate be all and do all which he must as a god. It's a self furfilling prophecy that must exist because the chance for it happening is greater than 0. Ultimately though everything is just pure consciousness. This universe is nothing but him pretending to be dead and we're nothing more than ideas in his psychotic daydream. From our perspective though all we can do is steer the vessels our conciousnesses are in control of though and try to live a happy and long life.

Don't believe me though, use your science to trace back the big bang and see how everything merges and becomes one. All the fundamental forces join, space become infinitely small, all the energy forms into a single point of infinite density, etc. If you continue back logically you end up with everything in a single "perfect" state of unification. For lack of a better description this is god and once it moves and it's death has begun as it's no longer a perfect being. The universe as we know it is the corpse of the almighty and each of us has the spark of the divine in us which is why mushies teach us that we're all one. They clue into the fact that everything was god and is still connected to the eternal as time means nothing in the cosmic sense. God is going to throw the dice an infinite amount of times coming up with every possibility there is and he must do so otherwise he wouldn't be a god.

Anyways that's enough of a wall of text. Either you believe me or you don't and the world to you either way. Keep on living your best life though remembering the row, row, row your boat song though because life for both of us will very shortly come to an end and you might as well make the most of it.


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I was an atheist. I would tell everyone they were retarded for believing in the adult version of santa and the rest of it having a right laugh at their stupidity

That's more in line with being an anti-theist.

An atheist is a person that doesn't believe in a deity or deities - that's it; there is no requirement to be against religions or religious people.

There are science denying atheists, racist atheists, left wing and right wing atheists. Atheists come in all shapes, sizes and flavours.

It may surprise you but there are also religious atheists, for example buddhists don't believe in any deity, they believe in the teachings of buddha who was human.

This one gets most people, Satanists are religious atheists, they don't worship or believe in Satan or any god. Most people want to believe what they see in movies or confuse them with occultists, witch doctors and perhaps teenage wannabe devil worshippers that are putting on an act to scare their religious christian parents, etc.

I tried mushies first and they showed me how we were all connected, shared the same energy, etc. in short we're one.

Many people who've tried psychedelics report similar and psychedelics have been around thousands of years, some people believe those who started religions did so after taking them. Some speculate the story of the burning bush may've been a plant that was burnt and inhaled... which is feasible. Of course the story of Moses, Abraham, etc. are fictional, many also believe the story of Jesus is fictional and I'm inclined to agree with them considering the lack of evidence, not one eyewitness account, mythical stories all written in Greek about people who spoke and wrote in Aramaic, close to a century after said events, evidence each gospel plagiarised the first and contradict each other, etc.

Fyi, I was baptised, raised christian, did holy communion and confirmation, topped my Sunday school class and over the years saw all the hypocrisy in religious teachings. I also dabbled in eastern spirituality, meditation, manifestation, etc. but I simply can't believe in that any more, I'm sure a starving African prays/meditates harder for food than I meditate for success. Someone's god isn't listening to them.

As for the big bang, that theory is only a few decades old and humans couldn't conceive the universe is expanding but we now know it is so the theory points to a finite point but there is also the theory the universe expands from many different points, there is also a theory of multiple universes.

You'll find god always exists beyond the frontier of science, some believe god created the big bang. As the frontier of science keeps pushing forward, god is slowly being engulfed.
In a few hundred years, humans will know infinitely more and know things about the universe we can't even imagine, the big bang will seem like a primitive theory to them, the theory of a god will also diminish among humans as more are becoming atheist, agnostic, etc.

Let's look at the timeline of worshiping:


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Unknown User

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The whole thing about Jesus and his miracles had all been performed by other actors over hundreds of years preceding. He was just the one that pulled it off. Think of him as a prehistoric Houdini.
a bunch of nutters that wanted to fulfill their own self interests took it one step further and created the fiction of god.
people need something to believe in and blame for when shit doesnt go as planned.


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He was just the one that pulled it off.
*according to the myths in the bible.

The bible is not a historic document. There are some real characters mentioned, Pontius Pilate, etc. and every historian who's written about Pilate, portrays him as an entirely different character, different personality, etc.
Out of the 53 bible characters that have been proven to have existed, Abraham, Moses, Noah and Jesus are not among them.




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"One of the main problems is the outcome is unpredictable. In the case of Iraq, it created a hotbed for terrorism in the form of ISIS and in Libya it allowed slavery to return."
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Yeah and red food dye is crushed bugs, anal gland secretions are natural flavourings, etc. I try to avoid all that shit. Also insects, like rabbits, lack fat and normies who think low fat diets are still all the rage will assume protein is protein and slowly kill themselves if they convert to bugs. This I'm ok with in general but all the same I refuse to eat bugs. I don't even like prawns, lobster or crabs. I like traditional farm animals and live in the middle of a massive farming region of QLD so I'll never have an issue in getting actual meat. I might have to buy half an animal at a time but that's what freezers are for.

If worse comes to worse I'll take up religion and become a jew. They're forbidden from eating bugs, would be totally exempt from any laws that try to force bugs on the goyim, giving up bacon would be a small price to pay to continue eating other farm animals and if anyone says anything I can oy vey them and say they're attempting another holocaust upon my people except this time they're taking food out of our ovens instead of putting us in

*according to the myths in the bible.

The bible is not a historic document. There are some real characters mentioned, Pontius Pilate, etc. and every historian who's written about Pilate, portrays him as an entirely different character, different personality, etc.
Out of the 53 bible characters that have been proven to have existed, Abraham, Moses, Noah and Jesus are not among them.


Fuck off Noah and his ark are as real as it gets!!
Your telling me one man didn't build a giant boat by hand and then travelled the planet catching every single species of animal with no form of industrialised transport not to mention any way of restraining said animals and then put them on a boat and avoided a catastrophic planet wide flood.
I just can't see how anyone could have a problem with that!! 🤪

afghan bob

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Fuck off Noah and his ark are as real as it gets!!
Your telling me one man didn't build a giant boat by hand and then travelled the planet catching every single species of animal with no form of industrialised transport not to mention any way of restraining said animals and then put them on a boat and avoided a catastrophic planet wide flood.
I just can't see how anyone could have a problem with that!! 🤪
Well he did have Hercules and the 7 dwarves helping him
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Check out my wife Abby Martins shit!! 🤣


^It's how the rich avoid paying tax, they get paid in stocks which aren't taxed, they then take out bank loans using stocks as equity, trade them, etc.



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Blair, GW Bush, Hillary, Thatcher - maybe the problem is giving so much power to traumatised politicians. 🤔
No doubt Putin falls into that category, he's not right in the head.
I don't mind this Dr. Gabor Maté.

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