Your most imaginative way to end this C@#T!


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I'd have to have a think, but first thought is to drive a wood screw with a battery drill in between every finger nail, burn his cloths off him and tie the cunt to a small tree with no shade and leave him there for a fews days getting cooked in the sun till he is a red blistering mess. He'd be that fucking thirsty that he'd be begging to drink me piss. Pour a tub of PVC glue on his head and light it, drive a screwdriver in his ear canal and put some sorta shit in there that it turns septic, get a little 4 inch grinder out with a fat grinding dusk and take to his elbows .... And hang on while I give it some thought... Hope this helps bro

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Forum Pisshead
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It’s communists vs democracy, Putin don’t recognize Ukraine as a sovereign nation, just a nice big chunk of land that he can take over.

Only guessing but Russia will capture Ukraine, topple the government, install a pro Russian government then say fuck u nato and fuck the west.


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It’s a tragedy for the people there no matter what their political persuasion ,,what part is she from Sogk
Cheers Sedge! She's from Zaporizhzhia, her sister is in Kyiv and is planning to flee to the border of Poland if things escalate. Her Parents in Zaporizhzhia are fleeing to some land they own far from the city.
I'd have to have a think, but first thought is to drive a wood screw with a battery drill in between every finger nail, burn his cloths off him and tie the cunt to a small tree with no shade and leave him there for a fews days getting cooked in the sun till he is a red blistering mess. He'd be that fucking thirsty that he'd be begging to drink me piss. Pour a tub of PVC glue on his head and light it, drive a screwdriver in his ear canal and put some sorta shit in there that it turns septic, get a little 4 inch grinder out with a fat grinding dusk and take to his elbows .... And hang on while I give it some thought... Hope this helps bro
Fuck Yes! Perfect!
It’s communists vs democracy, Putin don’t recognize Ukraine as a sovereign nation, just a nice big chunk of land that he can take over.

Only guessing but Russia will capture Ukraine, topple the government, install a pro Russian government then say fuck u nato and fuck the west.
My thoughts too!


The man your mother warned you about.
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So what’s going to happen to the weapons the US have been sending there ?


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You never know what one is going through until you walk a mile in one's shoe's 👑y, but thanks for bringing to the table. I'll definitely pull my head out of the sand and take more notice of what's going on over there. Under the circumstances I hope things get better bro.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Fuck Putin is a straight up killer. You try to start a political party to take him on ya dead, your a journalist he don't like ya dead fuck he even kills his own citizens in other countries. He's a piece of shit who needs to be taken out but he is really no threat to Australia.
The Chinese Communist Party on the other hand is what we as Australians need to really start to worry about. They are watching this very closely.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Fuck Putin is a straight up killer. You try to start a political party to take him on ya dead, your a journalist he don't like ya dead fuck he even kills his own citizens in other countries. He's a piece of shit who needs to be taken out but he is really no threat to Australia.
The Chinese Communist Party on the other hand is what we as Australians need to really start to worry about. They are watching this very closely.
I agree porky and would not be surprised if China made a move on Taiwan during all the confusion and focus on Russia


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Imo one would think from the statements made by Putin, Russia may have weapons that gives the confidence of victory no matter who the opponents may be

Aligned with China this could escalate very quickly , throw in North Korea and you have a recipe for disaster


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I agree porky and would not be surprised if China made a move on Taiwan during all the confusion and focus on Russia
That's the thought the world over.
This Ukrainian war is solely for the ego of Putin as he thinks the USSR should still remain.
I feel sorry for the normal Ukrainian citizen.
But like mic says things could get much worse for a lot more people.

afghan bob

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Saddam did less farking around in Ku wait and yanks didn't wait 2 long 2 jump in
Why aren't the seps flexing their muscles and start nuking his bald little head ?
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