Your most imaginative way to end this C@#T!


Sultan Of Soil
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follow the money
12 countries have joined NATO since the end of the cold war , even though there was a agreement in place to not expand NATO

what is one of the criteria for joining NATO = you must have X amount of military equipment
& where do these countries have to buy military equipment from = US military-industrial complex maybe !

does NATO work for the US ?
hang in till the vid gets to Chomsky

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Time for my tin foil hat to go on and a slightly drunken rant to begin....

I believe the Ukraine invasion to be the middle of a long conspiracy to depopulate the planet.

The cabal have long planned to depopulate the earth to bring us back into harmony with nature because who wants to be ruler over a pile of ashes? We've already killed most of our soils, we've utterly decimated the oceans, we shit the atmosphere up with all manner of pollutants, etc. and with the 3rd world starting to get a taste of western lifestyles we've gone from needing approximately 7 Earths to sustain us to needing 50+ and that's without leaving room for the rest of life to exist.
I've read many a book about dealing with this issue in an ethical way and it's always about wearing condoms, giving women education, using low power electronics like phones over computers, etc. but what they never admit to is that even if we followed all their advice to the tee that the damage humans are causing would still increase over the next century as more and more are lifted out of poverty and literally none have the balls to lay the blame where it truly lies, the breeders, because doing so is inherently racist. You can look up the stats yourself on the CIA world handbook or any other reputable source you like, in terms of birthrates the first western nations begin to appear at around the 150 mark and are only there because of immigration. It's literally all African and Middle Eastern people shitting out kids galore followed distantly by Asian nations and you can't very well up and say their populations need culling for the good of the planet now can you? At the same time you also can't let them live so what do you do?

Queue covid19.

Corona viruses have been with us forever, they're literally the common cold. They're also seemingly impossible to vaccinate against because every time we've tried it's resulted in antibody dependency enhancement. In short when the vaccine wears off you totally lose immunity to the whole family of corona viruses because your immune system itself can get infected which means you can't mount a defense against it. This has been proven every single time as 100% of test animals have died and while humans are bigger, stronger and tougher the end result will inevitably be the same, everyone who's taken it is going to die. It's just a matter of how many boosters you're willing to take as to when it will happen and that is precisely why the government has said everyone needs to get their booster at 6 months, then 4 months and now 3 months.
Remember all those videos that "escaped" China of people being locked in their apartments, streets being sprayed, etc.?
Remember how it took 3 whole months from late 2019 to early 2020 for our politicians to even acknowledge there was a virus?
Remember how the WHO said it couldn't be transmitted from person to person?
etc., etc. etc.?
It was all a psyop to drum up artificial grass roots fear. They not only wanted us scared but to make it out as though our governments were ignorant and incompetent so that we would call upon them for action. They even started spreading ideas for us like how we should all just stock up and stay at home for a couple of weeks to stop the spread entirely. We called for it and out politicians were all too happy to tell us how they were going to flatten the curve.

America needed Trump to win. Not only was his win hitting the release valve for all those sick of pc and identity politics over there but since both sides hate each other by design they couldn't just have another democrat win. This was the last chance to get a republican in before the waves of immigration and welfare dependence that always vote left out of self interest made it impossible to ever get another republican into power. Trump needed to win and have covid19 come in under his term so that republicans would take their shot and then Trump needed to go and have a democrat come into power so that all the lefties that seethed for 4 solid years would take it too. See while it was Trump's rushed anti science shit in their eyes the lefties were never going to take it and if Biden introduced it republicans would be all it's going to make me transition into a gay frog and never taken it too but by working together they could get the vast majority of people on both sides to take it.
Other nations that aren't yet as polarised as the USA like Australia simply went along with no jab, no job and saying we're trying to kill grandma to get what they wanted.

Why now though?

In short the bankers shit the economy again and the cabal needed to protect it's interests. We all remember bailing them out in 2008 and wouldn't tolerate doing that again. Moreover if we dared to question the fiat system we'd demand their heads and then change the way we value our currencies which they simply cannot allow. They needed a scapegoat and covid19, the invisible enemy, fit the bill perfectly. We'd crash the economy ourselves, they'd point the fingers at us and we'd be forced to accept it instead of seeing what they did to us. This is why it took months for there to be a reaction from governments. Their masters, the international cabal, told them to get the fuck in line or risk losing everything. Then the cabal with it's control over every major media outlet, website, recording studio, advertising agency, etc. made a concerted effort to take our fear and make it a part of every day life. We went from 0-100 with the fear porn and it's been constant for two whole years while waiting for populations to be injected. The fact they knew this was going to happen and invested in the like of pfizer while the getting was good was their way of doing an exit scam on a grand scale. They faced a few problems though, first not everyone would take it no matter how hard the pushed, they couldn't get enough shots made to get the entire world anyway, people would stop taking boosters and eventually people would put 2 and 2 together and realise these scumbags not only stole a couple of years of life from us but also killed almost everyone we've ever known or loved. Heads would roll without a doubt, unless of course there's a reason for people dying....

Part 1/2 because of post limits.


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Queue Putin and Ukraine

Putin is part of the cabal and 100% in on it all. He would have been offered Ukraine and more going down in history as the leader that reunited Russia Obviously he'd know invading another nation would lead to ww3 but he is allied with China, India, etc. which gives him nearly half of humanity to swing his dick with plus the USA is shitting the bed due to all the pc and identity politics, obesity, consumption of soy, everyone being mkultra'd by their screens, etc. so he doesn't really have much to fear by taking Ukraine. When shit kicks off for real will be when he's taken Ukraine and China, India and others acknowledge it as Russian territory and then China goes for Taiwan expecting the same recognition in return which they will get. The USA is already stationing troops in Darwin expecting this almost inevitable outcome to come to fruition so that when it does kick off they can turn Darwin into launching area for the war which will inevitably drag the rest of Australia and the commonwealth into action. No more will people care about boosters for covid, hell the media is going to celebrate it being over while fear porning us over ww3 breaking out and how we're all now forcibly involved in it whether we like it or not. Nukes are going to be used, conscription is going to happen, people are going to be put in camps, etc. you know the usual war time shit and absolutely no one is going to question all the deaths because it's fuckin ww3 and death is expected.

The coming famine

Crops around the world aren't being planted because of a lack of fertiliser. Russia, one of the biggest exporters of fertilisers just told everyone to go fuck themselves for sanctioning Russia so with our soils massively depleted and in many cases outright dead, we're not going to be able to grow the high yield crops that feed humanity. Even the low yield ones will have a rough time and likely die off too. Some places will fare much better than others but they absolutely will put their people first and let the rest of the world starve. You'll even see it on a micro scale like Tasmania refusing to send food to the mainland until all the people there are fed first and boy oh boy will they charge a premium. Some places though like Brazil aren't even planting soy or corn this year at all and as starvation kicks in will begin marching north hoping the USA will feed them while places like Africa, being utterly dependent on first world aid for their survival, will see the worst kinds of famine all over again and marching on better off African nations while hunting all the iconic wildlife there to extinction. Meanwhile, the nations soon to become our enemies in ww3, are going to be given fertilisers and will be able to feed their people. What's that old saying about an army marching on their stomachs and what will that mean for us?

One could go on about all 4 horses of the apocalypse coming into play to bring about the end times when god takes out his wrath upon humanity at this point but I'm not a believer of that bullshit, I've tripped too many times to believe in modern religion. What I will say though is that the bible was obviously rewritten to support a certain tribe of people that make up the entirety of the international cabal and that by orchestrating things the way they have it all but ensures their survival even if their plans all go to shit in western nations because they can point to the bible which a very considerable number of people will turn to if they believe it's the end of the world and say your god commands you take care of us. If they manage to stay in power though you can expect technological enslavement for us goyim that survive where we are forbidden from seeking out a living from the land and much worse because if everyone sought out that kind of life it would leave no room for nature again. We'll be told that we must be green as possible so no excess housing, no excess food, renting/sharing everything, etc. as per the great reset.
You will eat bugs
You will live in a capsule
You will own nothing
You will be happy albeit on fluoride, SSRIs and other drugs until you no longer feel inclined to seek out a better life for yourself.

I could be wrong but legitimately everything I just mentioned is already taking place or planned for us and can easily be found by searching online for yourself. All I've done is try to see the bigger picture by imagining what I would want to do if I were in their position, lacked morals and were absolutely ruthless and it became obvious that not only does the human population need to instantly collapse but it needs to happen in an orchestrated way for them to maintain control. I honestly hope I'm just being a spastic and looking into things too much, jumping to conclusions, etc. but I'm going to be stocking up on fertilisers, seeds for growing crops other than weed, etc. and recommend you all do the same instead of buying shit tickets again because literally no one is going to care about wiping their arse if they haven't eaten in a week.


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I'll just leave this here... :ROFLMAO:


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So while they (our politicunts) parade for the cameras and condem the Russian state for supressing peaceful protest, they make a move to criminalise protest here on our own shores 😲

Just like the VLAD laws here in QLD, they make out they are targeting "the baddies" to protect the good "average people" going about their good sheep lives. However, these laws can and will be applied to any individual/group they deem as undesirable.

The key phrase they keep using around this is [protests] that "shutdown economic activity"... 🤔 so basically, the state quashing the right to protest and criminalising it's own citizens in order to protect private corporate interests 🤑

... all I'm saying is it's a fuckin' slippery slope and then it's Za Stalina Down Under 🤬


The Dwarf Hermie King
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View attachment 22521
So while they (our politicunts) parade for the cameras and condem the Russian state for supressing peaceful protest, they make a move to criminalise protest here on our own shores 😲

Just like the VLAD laws here in QLD, they make out they are targeting "the baddies" to protect the good "average people" going about their good sheep lives. However, these laws can and will be applied to any individual/group they deem as undesirable.

The key phrase they keep using around this is [protests] that "shutdown economic activity"... 🤔 so basically, the state quashing the right to protest and criminalising it's own citizens in order to protect private corporate interests 🤑

... all I'm saying is it's a fuckin' slippery slope and then it's Za Stalina Down Under 🤬
Exactly right mate!!


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Bit of a over the top knee-jerk reaction. You can see why they went that way though, due the nature of their protesting.

It's all fair and well to protest your cause (for mine), but you shouldn't be holding other people's daily activities at ransom while doing so. But yeah, NSW Gov gone a step or two too far..


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Yeah, don't get me wrong I think extinction rebellion (and the like) are a mob of wankers. I do however, wholeheartedly stand for their right to protest.

I guess that's kind of the point of protest, to force people to hear your message & encourage others to join your cause. When you think about it, most of the "worthwhile" protests of history have been pretty confrontational to achieve the changes/reforms that we couldn't imagine being without today.

Having said that... I'm not a breeder, so I don't really have any cards in the game :LOL: It's their (the kids) world now anyway, so I say let 'em have at it!


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Pipe inserted into the arse then Barbwire through the pipe pull the pipe out then rip the Barbwire out or you could always just use a potato peeler and skin him
This was done to one of Anita Cobby's killers in gaol; not going to mention his name - the main one that was in the news.

It was reported he turned up to court with a bleeding @rsehole, the rear of his pants bloodstained.



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You will eat bugs
Very high in protein, far better for you than beef.

The west has a real issue with this but they currently eat bugs in Asia and so do you... every time you eat chocolate; it's full of bug fragments because they can't stop bugs from entering the production... so why is this allowable? - there's nothing wrong with eating bugs :LOL: and by the time it's all mixed/chopped up, the chocolate heated, etc. it's perfectly safe to eat... and that's just in chocolate...

You could be accidentally eating 140,000 pieces of insect a year

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