Whats your climate stance?

Whats your climate stance?

  • Climate change IS NOT caused by human activities

  • Climate change IS caused by human activities

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD NOT be worried

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD be worried

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The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
You dont "invest" in solar, you lose money :ROFLMAO: . Havent held WDS but got in on BHP's run up last year.

Once I started investing and understanding financial markets, I stopped voting left. And that includes subscribing to the man made climate change belief system.
So once you started investing in some of the world's worst polluting companies you become a complete DC? 🤣
You back Pedro?

Green Genius

User ID
So once you started investing in some of the world's worst polluting companies you become a complete DC? 🤣
You back Pedro?
Started when I read an article about the 4 pillars of civilisation, progressed when my anti-nuclear stance got embarrassed for the ignorance it is and completed when I started investing in financial markets.

I'm all for environmentalism through and support far more draconian measures than most.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Started when I read an article about the 4 pillars of civilisation, progressed when my anti-nuclear stance got embarrassed for the ignorance it is and completed when I started investing in financial markets.

I'm all for environmentalism through and support far more draconian measures than most.
Steel, cement, plastic and I cant remember the other one. I'll have to look it up.
What draconian environmental measures do you support?
I know all about the financial/capitalism machine as a family member makes their living of their franking credits form their investments. She likes the 4 pillars to. The banking ones. 😉
I prefer the 4 pillars of sustainability meself!


Community Member
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@Green Genius I’d like to hear more about your nuclear enlightenment? Out of interest.

PS Climate change is past tense, it’s happened and now unraveling before us. Most people add 2 degrees to the temperature and don’t worry. Globally that’s huge. Most of the weather now is functioning at the two ends of the statistical bell curve. Pay attention to the higher latitudes, some scary shit occurring.
The next 5-10 years is going to make the toilet paper wars of 2020 look like a CWA cake store.
This website is a great place to get your doom scrolling fix every second day.



The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID

aaaaand here we goooo!

Luv me a good "climate change" thread...
Now this is a fucking climate change thread mate!!! 🤣
Pedro is Arsekick! 🤣
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The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
@Green Genius I’d like to hear more about your nuclear enlightenment? Out of interest.

PS Climate change is past tense, it’s happened and now unraveling before us. Most people add 2 degrees to the temperature and don’t worry. Globally that’s huge. Most of the weather now is functioning at the two ends of the statistical bell curve. Pay attention to the higher latitudes, some scary shit occurring.
The next 5-10 years is going to make the toilet paper wars of 2020 look like a CWA cake store.
This website is a great place to get your doom scrolling fix every second day.

Look he's invested in shares and read the prospectus and climate change is all a now hoax because big polluters say so ok. 🤣


Community Member
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I’ve been off loading all my shares, mostly small profits. Not my Woodside (-20%) and BHP (-10%). I’m stuck with them for awhile now.
5.5% from the bank payed monthly is much better.

Green Genius

User ID
@Green Genius I’d like to hear more about your nuclear enlightenment? Out of interest.
Sure ask away.
PS Climate change is past tense, it’s happened and now unraveling before us. Most people add 2 degrees to the temperature and don’t worry. Globally that’s huge. Most of the weather now is functioning at the two ends of the statistical bell curve. Pay attention to the higher latitudes, some scary shit occurring.
Standard questions.
1. What should the global mean temperature be if we are too high?
2. what should the CO2 ppm be if we are currently too high?

Also the bell curve isn't application to non standardized distribution models. We visit higher latitudes regularly. From Norway to Canada.
The next 5-10 years is going to make the toilet paper wars of 2020 look like a CWA cake store.
This website is a great place to get your doom scrolling fix every second day.

5-10years is a statistical anomaly on both geological and astronomical timescales.

Green Genius

User ID
Now this is a fucking climate change thread mate!!! 🤣
Pedro is Arsekick! 🤣
This always cracks me up. We are discovering settlements under the Arctic Ice. Now how did they get there if the Arctic has forever been covered in ice? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

However, when these ancient humans inhabited this outpost, it was connected to the mainland, and the temperature, albeit northern, was warmer than it is today.


Green Genius

User ID
I’ve been off loading all my shares, mostly small profits. Not my Woodside (-20%) and BHP (-10%). I’m stuck with them for awhile now.
5.5% from the bank payed monthly is much better.
Had to reinvest in the shop, so sold the entire portfolio.


and a few others 🥲


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
This always cracks me up. We are discovering settlements under the Arctic Ice. Now how did they get there if the Arctic has forever been covered in ice? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

However, when these ancient humans inhabited this outpost, it was connected to the mainland, and the temperature, albeit northern, was warmer than it is today.

No one has ever said the artic has always been covered in ice. 🤣
What draconian environmental measures do you support??


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Sure ask away.

Standard questions.
1. What should the global mean temperature be if we are too high?
2. what should the CO2 ppm be if we are currently too high?

Also the bell curve isn't application to non standardized distribution models. We visit higher latitudes regularly. From Norway to Canada.

5-10years is a statistical anomaly on both geological and astronomical timescales.
Global temperature for ya.

Co2 ppm should be between 280ppm and 350ppm according to people who know far more about the subject than you and me. https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/what-ideal-level-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-human-life

Green Genius

User ID
No one has ever said the artic has always been covered in ice. 🤣
What draconian environmental measures do you support??
Nationalizing power generation and distribution
Nationalizing mineral and fossil fuel extraction

Global temperature for ya.

Co2 ppm should be between 280ppm and 350ppm according to people who know far more about the subject than you and me. https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/what-ideal-level-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-human-life
1. That didn't answer the question. The question isnt how much faster is the temperature rising now compared to 100 years ago. Its what should the global mean temperature be.

2. That also didn't answer the question. The question isn't what is the ideal CO2 limit for humans, its what should the global CO2 limit be without human contribution.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Nationalizing power generation and distribution
Nationalizing mineral and fossil fuel extraction

1. That didn't answer the question. The question isnt how much faster is the temperature rising now compared to 100 years ago. Its what should the global mean temperature be.

2. That also didn't answer the question. The question isn't what is the ideal CO2 limit for humans, its what should the global CO2 limit be without human contribution.
So your a nationalist who participated in capitalism. Do you understand one is a complete contradiction to the other? 🤣

Both of your other answers are irrelevant because your asking what they would be without humans influence when we are the deciding factor in both Co2 amounts and Temperature rises! 🤪
Fuck mate you all there or what?

I do agree with nationalising both of those industries and many others but globalisation and capitalism will never allow it which I'm sure a savvy heavy polluter investor like yourself would understand! 🤔
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