Whats your climate stance?

Whats your climate stance?

  • Climate change IS NOT caused by human activities

  • Climate change IS caused by human activities

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD NOT be worried

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD be worried

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Indy must have called the prime minister and schooled him on the benefits of nuclear power!

Or maybe sco mo is reading this thread and learnt from him!

Shit!!!, Maybe i jumped the gun on indy's knowledge of nuclear reactors..

Bloody hell, all because some cunt is happy for his country to explore the options of nuclear power. Something that hasn't been addressed in like 20-30 years. If/once the subject gets it's hearing in parliment and a decision made. I guess i gotta suck it up with other legistlation that doesn't go my way. Big fuckin' deal, least the option has been considered.

But hey, don't let that get in the way of big-noting yourself. 👍


All time Shittest Trimmer.
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Bloody hell, all because some cunt is happy for his country to explore the options of nuclear power. Something that hasn't been addressed in like 20-30 years. If/once the subject gets it's hearing in parliment and a decision made. I guess i gotta suck it up with other legistlation that doesn't go my way. Big fuckin' deal, least the option has been considered.
Now look indy you most of what I'm typing is obviously just going straight over your head, because your reply's are just getting worse. You also seem quite upset.

But as fun as I imagine this has been for everyone to watch lets just call it a truce hey! I'll be the great man that you think I think I am and admit Ive been outclassed and outwitted by you....

Dont get me wrong its been funny being the Porky and Pedro for the night but I'm not sure I'd like to get stuck in that role, Would you?
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Yes, Gentlemen who like to insult others intelligence. The new norm associated with gentlemen.

Whatever, Doc. No hard feelings here. Takes a bit to tip me off the cart.

Well, if someone wants to threaten my family or property. Ya might have to excuse the fact that i'd probably want to rip your tongue out via your arsehole. Just a lil niggle i haven't been able to get over yet. Something some of us knuckle-draggers have to deal with i guess.

Anyway, bedtime. Gotta hit the road at 4am for a fish, good tide in the morning. (y)


All time Shittest Trimmer.
User ID
Yes, Gentlemen who like to insult others intelligence. The new norm associated with gentlemen.

Whatever, Doc. No hard feelings here. Takes a bit to tip me off the cart.

Well, if someone wants to threaten my family or property. Ya might have to excuse the fact that i'd probably want to rip your tongue out via your arsehole. Just a lil niggle i haven't been able to get over yet. Something some of us knuckle-draggers have to deal with i guess.

Anyway, bedtime. Gotta hit the road at 4am for a fish, good tide in the morning. (y)
Ah Yea righto bud, Got to look after the family hey :unsure:

Good luck on the water. (y)


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Seems to be a little confusion... we're currently in an ice age, there have been 5 recorded ice ages in the history of earth. Earliest was 2 billion years, current is 3 million years.

During an ice age there's glacial and interglacial, during glacials the ice caps build and sea levels drop back to the continental shelf, last occurance was 80k years ago, in recent history glacials have cycled from 2.5 million years to roughly 200k years. Ice age literally means that at least one of the polar caps is covered in ice, we are nearing the end of the current ice age.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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The believers wont believe that, its the hottest time EVER in the history of the planet apparently, and its all "mans" fault

the Dc's like @Porky, should try going Co2 free for a while, see how long they last lol


Community Member
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that thing is a fuckin beast.

Here in Australia we are really missing out on Nuclear research, we have what 1 research reactor thats also a breeder reactor for medical isotopes? or a second reactor that a breeder reactor?

Idk but it nearly got shut down because it has been shunned by our governments in the past and there were accidents because of ageing equipment and ageing policies and no refresher courses of procedures. Nuclear is very feasable and safe, especially in Australia, whack a mad nuclear reactor in the NT and it will be one of the environmentally safest places in the world, no earthquakes, no tsunami's hey even pine gap gets to keep a close eye on it. Nuclear reactors need to be protected by dumb tuncs. Its as simple as that. Theres almost a divorce between the seriousness of operating a nuclear reactor because of just dials and numbers compared when you've got your hands on a chainsaw or tablesaw. As long as the educated human's running a reactor arn't drunk, egotistical and are properly educated and trained its a valid option either for baseload power or complete replacement of foss generation


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Ok so where are you gonna put radio active waste?✌🙈

memories of Maralinga

Just googled about what Aust does currently (according to govt hmm)

or offload to poor third world countries like we do with our other waste


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Ok so where are you gonna put radio active waste?✌🙈
I was just about to aak the same question.
Fuck nuclear power yeah its clean when running but one mistake and half of Australia is dead and unuseable.
Solar farms, pumped hydro and wind and wave generation is the future combined with those fancy conductors Drgreenthumb was talking about.
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