Whats your climate stance?

Whats your climate stance?

  • Climate change IS NOT caused by human activities

  • Climate change IS caused by human activities

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD NOT be worried

  • Climate change is happening and we SHOULD be worried

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Sure ask away.

Standard questions.
1. What should the global mean temperature be if we are too high?
2. what should the CO2 ppm be if we are currently too high?

Also the bell curve isn't application to non standardized distribution models. We visit higher latitudes regularly. From Norway to Canada.

5-10years is a statistical anomaly on both geological and astronomical timescales.
Only question I asked was about nuclear?
Standard questions you could look up from a credible source, but better to go like the media, gotcha style.
The blue line represents global surface temperature reconstructed over the last 2,000 years using proxy data from tree rings, corals, and ice cores.[1] The red line shows direct surface temperature measurements since 1880. Wikipedia.
Even accounts for your medieval ice age.
Same for the CO2, try here https://www.co2levels.org/
Standard distribution, non standard. Doesn’t matter which way it’s skewed, and climate change would be skewing the data. It’s the point that records at either end, say cold or hot are being shattered there. “Normally” they’d over time be spread across.
Secondly records of extremes don’t usually get smashed by multiples of standard deviations. E.g. Lismore 2022, +2m over the record.
And you support me by timescales point. It’s not meant to change so dramatically in such short time. 5 years is my prediction. Oceans have gone over the top because the can’t disperse the heat, only increase in temp now. Means higher rainfalls.
Anyway I didn’t come to debate or be baited. Why is this the only science that every dumb arse (not you) can argue against?
Fossil fuel companies compiled reports in the 70s stating that the CO2 from emissions would impact the climate. If you want I’ll find one, I do have on another computer.
The scientists presented the data in the least dramatic way, and they regret it now, because it’ll be 2-3 degrees in my life time.
Heat waves of 30+ degrees in the Antarctic don’t raise attention because it only gets to -20. Heat waves in the northern Nordic regions that get to 20 don’t get attention but beating a record by 8 degrees, is alarming.
The 2019-20 fires burnt forests never burnt in plus 10000 years.
So anecdotally in the 8 years I’ve been back in the northern rivers I’ve experienced two 1:100 year floods, witnessed ancient rainforests burnt for the first time, seen the lowest and the highest annual rainfall records smashed, I sort of go hmmm seems a bit out.
The sea ice in Antarctica is two years running at lowest recorded. The global ocean temp follows too as hottest. Clusters of hot years, and on and on.
Of all the technologies is amazing automobiles have improved superficially over time. If it was IT we’d be celebrating the floppy disc in a decade or two.
Anyway your welcome to your opinions and me mine.
I’m planned for 90 days independence because when shit hits the fan it’s going to be either mad max anarchy or totalitarian slavery. Don’t expect the government to help which reminds me.
Why is the Oz government report on the security implications of climate change deemed top secret? Because regardless of politics they know we’re fucked, and they think money will save them.
I could go on, but I’m a scientist, an ecologist, fascinated by chaos theory, and huge systems; a surfer hence extreme weather nerd.
I can’t understand why the youth haven’t rebelled, where are the guillotines, it’s perplexing.
We’re lucky to have lived through a goldilocks period for the planet and even of human peace, but history states this is not normal. The Aborigines have witnessed and recorded in spoken lore, huge sea level changes, a possibly a huge tsunami in their occupation of Australia. We or our grand children will witness similar but on a never recorded timescale.
I’d even consider myself a fence sitter on climate change 😂 It’s going to be way worse that we imagine 🙈

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Green Genius

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So your a nationalist who participated in capitalism. Do you understand one is a complete contradiction to the other? 🤣
Of course. I don’t ascribe to singular ideology.
Both of your other answers are irrelevant because your asking what they would be without humans influence when we are the deciding factor in both Co2 amounts and Temperature rises! 🤪
Fuck mate you all there or what?
So you’re unable to determine a baseline. But can confidently determine how far above that baseline we are? Interesting.
I do agree with nationalising both of those industries and many others but globalisation and capitalism will never allow it which I'm sure a savvy heavy polluter investor like yourself would understand! 🤔
Uhhh entirely incorrect. Multiple nations have nationalised mineral and fossil fuel industries with success.

Disingenuous commentators like to hold up Norway and Qatar as revenue models except those countries don’t tax the companies, they OWN them. I’ve visited both of those countries and they do it very successfully.

If you have an alternative to concrete, plastic, ammonia and diesel then I’m all ears. But currently those 4 things are keeping 7/8ths of the global population alive.

Unless of course you are Malthusian degrowther, which is an entirely different conversation.
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Totally correct GG, we live in FF based economy. We can’t change, and the powers that be politically or economically won’t allow change.
The earth will go on, life will too, isolated indigenous communities will survive as will many Asian communities but, the west won’t.
Deconstruct reality my friend, don’t accept the status quo, it’s pretty liberating.


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Plus he he he
Climate change is the wrong angle
It’s over population that’s consuming resources of future generations resulting in life support systems breaking down.
Acid helps, or really good sativas 😜


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Of course. I don’t ascribe to singular ideology.

So you’re unable to determine a baseline. But can confidently determine how far above that baseline we are? Interesting.

Uhhh entirely incorrect. Multiple nations have nationalised mineral and fossil fuel industries with success.

Disingenuous commentators like to hold up Norway and Qatar as revenue models except those countries don’t tax the companies, they OWN them. I’ve visited both of those countries and they do it very successfully.

If you have an alternative to concrete, plastic, ammonia and diesel then I’m all ears. But currently those 4 things are keeping 7/8ths of the global population alive.

Unless of course you are Malthusian degrowther, which is an entirely different conversation.
280ppm to 350ppm is the base line. Asking what it should be without human activity is just stupid and you know it.
That's typical deflection as humans are here and the major contributors.

Just like the stupid question about temperature without humans. 🤣

Without humans ever existing the planet would be a flourishing environment.

Green Genius

User ID
280ppm to 350ppm is the base line. Asking what it should be without human activity is just stupid and you know it.
That's typical deflection as humans are here and the major contributors.

Just like the stupid question about temperature without humans. 🤣

Without humans ever existing the planet would be a flourishing environment.
Plants flourish about 800ppm.. Global historical CO2 ppm is like triple what you claim.

And its not a gotcha or a stupid question.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Plants flourish about 800ppm.. Global historical CO2 ppm is like triple what you claim.

And its not a gotcha or a stupid question.
View attachment 52022
I'm not a plant so I'll happily stay around 280ppm to 350ppm. 🤪
The earth was a very different place millions of years ago and at times uninhabitable. Here's some graphs that are actually relevant for ya.


Green Genius

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I'm not a plant so I'll happily stay around 280ppm to 350ppm. 🤪
The earth was a very different place millions of years ago and at times uninhabitable. Here's some graphs that are actually relevant for ya.

What has habitability go to do with anything? Are we geoengineering the planet for human comfort now? Im not against that, but seems like moving the goal posts

All of the CO2 data in the NASA graphs are in the one posted. Far right hand edge.


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The climate cycles, Grand solar minimum is in swing, it's normal and can vary climate dramatically enough to make it a very different,ie much more violent volcanic activity and so on. People have a tiny insignificance in how the sun effects earth...but it's huge dollar maker for the very rich, and of course us minions will be asked to pay in new formats created, ie carbon tax...like a window tax, it's the latest form to gouge the publics pockets and business so public gets to pay extra everywhere, ...no different than any other scam, but when the wealthy push propaganda via media forms many a layman will be bamboozled with misinformation and the changing stats available to suit, very much like how a flu season that since the 70's has had about a third of them be corona and control a narrative, if you're controlling the narrative they can even get enough pronouns and fake refugees with unacceptable cultural views for the wealthy to change the laws so they can come after your kids cause many politicians are not only in their back pocket but partaking...there are many with their head stuck in the sand and don't wanna know, then theres others who want to stick their head back in the sand after going down the rabbit hole cause they just cant handle the truth indubitably and want to put the veil back on and go back to ignorance, but that doesn't change the atrocities that are rampant.
Climate change...don't see anybody up in arms because the sun is up during the day and gone in the night, pretty sure the temp changes the most then and indubitably sure that there's better things that should occupying peoples minds and hearts.
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