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From the elite's lust for eternal youth to a brief history of Vampirism, this is an interesting watch.
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The constant grooming of our children into a hollow husk of overt sexuality has to stop.

I have no idea why one side of the political spectrum is completely obsessed with pushing this in our schools. The fact that the media constantly alludes to us being "far right" because we don't want our children groomed by gender and sex obsessed ideologues in our schooling system is starting to wear real thin tbh.
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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Had a friend drop around some venison sausages a few years back.
The moment they hit the pan I was suss!
They were worse than awful! Tried one mouthfuls sadly it was a mistake.
Tried our inbred kangaloon foxy dog ,he was not interested which was worrying.as he was the greediest little dog on four legs and one ball.
Apparently sausage was made from rutting stag!šŸ¤®
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