The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Where's the crackhead/snack head shit she mentioned. I would appear that would've been the insulting tit bit you added.

Anyway, youd be an idiot to heed her advice and keeping backing up to the same vaccine, because it's highly doubtful they'll anyhave impact on the new variant coming to the fore

Well, the problem is. I'm a bit of a impulsive bloke that would take offence to that comment and I'd probably instigate a situation. It' be then left up to the dog on the day who gets back up again. 😉
You seem like an intelligent person Indy, if you can't draw parallels between junkies getting their fix and Australians being locked up until their new booster shot is available (is akin to a junkie waiting for their fix) well I just spelled it out for you.

Are you upset because I called corona vaxx takers as chemically dependant?
Or because your government lied to you? They took your freedoms and you took the bait to get them back. Then they moved the goal posts and will take your freedoms away if you don't get their boosters? Worm on a hook? Guess it's easy to be upset with the messenger and not the mail being sent.

However you seem ok to take a booster shot and liken it to the shot not being effective? What's the point in the first place. You had a 99.7% chance of letting your body and immune system do what it's done throughout your life.

I know your an impulsive person, you jumped at the chance to wack up the vaxx.

As for knocking me out or putting me on my arse. You can go to sleep believing you could clean my clock. I'll give you that.
Reality is ambition v ability.
Respect for you believing in your ambition


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Just because ive had 2 jabs doesn't make me a junkie. If a 3rd AZ/pfizer/moderna shot of the current vaccines are required I highly doubt I'll be going around again. We're not all sheeple like you view us as. We can still and will make informed decisions for myself and kids.

As for bluing, it's not usually my style. But if some DC was to pull me aside and try and convince me that I'm a smackhead for having the vaccine, I'd probably be in their face for it. You'd be a brave man to take your comment this morning to the streets and tell others that. If you've got the balls to try it, be prepared to back yourself.


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Just because ive had 2 jabs doesn't make me a junkie. If a 3rd AZ/pfizer/moderna shot of the current vaccines are required I highly doubt I'll be going around again. We're not all sheeple like you view us as. We can still and will make informed decisions for myself and kids.

As for bluing, it's not usually my style. But if some DC was to pull me aside and try and convince me that I'm a smackhead for having the vaccine, I'd probably be in their face for it. You'd be a brave man to take your comment this morning to the streets and tell others that. If you've got the balls to try it, be prepared to back yourself.
So what if the government doesn't view you as vaccinated if you don't continue your shots? You get lumped with us and not allowed your freedoms you were born with.
Back myself? You should always back yourself in every endeavour.
Like I said Indy, your an intelligent person, I enjoy the conversation, sorry you took offence. However once you are stuck on that indefinite booster shot cycle because you are chemically dependant and lose your freedoms I don't know what term you would describe someone hanging out for their shot?
Like I said early on. Pro choice with everything. Not forced to do something. Yes I'm vaxxed as I stated earlier but won't touch that poison. That's exactly what it is. Each to their own though.


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Did you read what the Cho said though Indy? Indefinite booster jabs. Forever and ever. You got kids. You'll know this poet.
"To infinity and beyond"


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If you looked back you'd see I'm pro choice as well, I guess the difference between your and my stance is you prefer to insult others while doing so.

Admittedly my opinion sways around a bit due to the nature the info is trickling out as we go along, and this virus evolves.

But I will agree with you wholeheartedly. Peoples freedoms should be paramount.

Thing is, the way my lifestyle is. Once the virus gets here it won't alter my life too much. Been working on the semi self sufficient thing on a few acres for a while now. I do feel for those poor bastards stuck in a metro area in a unit, during lockdown. If I was in that situation is be breaching lockdown laws on a daily basis. Been bush too long to cage this fucker.


User ID
Did you read what the Cho said though Indy? Indefinite booster jabs. Forever and ever. You got kids. You'll know this poet.
"To infinity and beyond"
Yeah, that's been doing the rounds a handful of weeks now. Which is why I'm reluctant to get onboard with the 3rd or 4th jab. The info just isn't there for me in regards to children. So they'll be a while away before I even consider it.

As I also mentioned before. I'm the guinea pig of the family when it comes to these vaccines


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Does the trick, aye. :)
I hear you, I moved away from Melbourne to the bush a couple of years ago. Wouldn't change it for nothing. We both have a clan, I won't be letting anyone near them with a needle. Down here school won't start till term 4 now. Yr12 have been told no jab no exam. That's blackmail and coercion. I'm Pro choice but passionate against supposed authority demand we be jabbed for a virus with 3 people in 1000 mortality. And they are elderly. Due diligence has not been done here. Fear and manipulation of the population have. Laws and our constitution have illegally been overruled with no repercussions. Guess that means I can grow 100 acres of an annual trees with no repercussions. Gee wouldn't that be nice


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There'd be a few lining up behind you I'd imagine..

Surely Gladys is streets ahead of him in that Dept.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Dan killed 800 fellow Victorians

Andrews is Fabian socialist scum, he knows what he's doing, the Bin Chicken has no idea, she just gives/gave good head to the right/wrong people, how else would the cunt get to lead the NSW conservative/mad greenie party


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There all fucked. I'm convinced the general mindset of a Pollie is that were all shitheads incapable of thinking for ourselves. And they only have say as much to get elected next time. It's been a while since our interests were at the forefront.

But your right nonetheless, some are a little more corrupt than the other. That'd would've been the reason they're drawn into it in the first place. Screw the people 'n suck dick until they wrangle a CEO/Board member gig.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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You seem like an intelligent person Indy, if you can't draw parallels between junkies getting their fix and Australians being locked up until their new booster shot is available (is akin to a junkie waiting for their fix) well I just spelled it out for you.

Are you upset because I called corona vaxx takers as chemically dependant?
Or because your government lied to you? They took your freedoms and you took the bait to get them back. Then they moved the goal posts and will take your freedoms away if you don't get their boosters? Worm on a hook? Guess it's easy to be upset with the messenger and not the mail being sent.

However you seem ok to take a booster shot and liken it to the shot not being effective? What's the point in the first place. You had a 99.7% chance of letting your body and immune system do what it's done throughout your life.

I know your an impulsive person, you jumped at the chance to wack up the vaxx.

As for knocking me out or putting me on my arse. You can go to sleep believing you could clean my clock. I'll give you that.
Reality is ambition v ability.
Respect for you believing in your ambition
Bloke...........this is a weed site!!! How about you share some photos of your current grow???? So far, we've only seen your obvious self proclaimed expertise in both constitutional law and epidemiology. If you're as expert a grower, as you are a lawyer and a doctor, your grow should be equally impressive. Let's have a look at your plants?


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Haha. Fair call, oldie. Think we're all here for the chill 'n mateship between growers.(y)

Even though some of us here let off a bit of steam at times. 😳
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