The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Does look like one rule for one and different rules for others , yes they're trying to tune us for more control that's to come this has been predicted for years.
Why do you think the likes of David Ickes and company have been silenced?


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Does look like one rule for one and different rules for others , yes they're trying to tune us for more control that's to come this has been predicted for years.
Why do you think the likes of David Ickes and company have been silenced?
Look at the Nazis is 1929, onwards.
We are well on our way. Passing bills through parliament to fine you from protesting or posting factual data that has been censored for your own good is never a good thing. Didn't realise Australia had a bunch of clueless dotards that can't think or look after themselves as grown adults and need your government to be your surrogate parent.
Invermectin banned even though invitro trials proved effective in March last year. Banned doctor patient choosing best practice. Threatened dr with loss of licence and deregistered if they prescribed invermectin.
Why? Experimental gene therapy (this Vax) has projected sales of $19 billion worldwide. A safe drug that's been around for 40 years. Billions of doses and cheap and safe. No we can't have that. Big pharma has the strings to your government.
Ex Pfizer VP and head scientist warning this is dangerous for you.
Every step of the way government media and tech have tried to silence every reasonable opposition or to listen or look into these safe procedures.

2 months of clinical trials of a 20k sample size then deemed safe for mass release. You are kidding me.
Thalimide I think its spelt. Safe for pregnant mums and kids were born with no arms. Now they are saying children should get the jab. The world has gone mad.
Im no anti vaxxer. I believe in making informed decisions on the several years of historical clinical trial has long term data.

This has none of that and appears to be nothing more than poison, poison you need booster shots every year. Poison that doesn't disrupt transmission. Ie doesn't stop you catching or transmitting the virus(the two reasons a vaccine exists). Its protein spike fucks your heart. People including young people are dying from it. 2008 Nobel peace prize Luc montagnier claimed it came from Wuhan at start and was ostracised. He also points out people will start dying from it.

I'm a free will kind a guy. Take bath salts and Chee your arm off, your choice. Going surfing at seal rock in winter in a 4/3. Your choice.
Taking away people's freedoms and rights under the guise of a state of emergency is a joke. They are powers trying to illegally take away your freedoms the Commonwealth has signed up too.
You can't catch it playing AFL flying everywhere. You can't catch it sitting for dinner at a table but if you haven't ordered your food you can still catch it. You can't catch it at Maccas, Woolworths where it's jammed packed or Bunnings and Kmart but you can walking into your local small business. You can't visit your dad at his house because he doesn't have a QR code there but can bang 50 hookers together across Melbourne that day and then whck up at Richmond injecting room and get a slab at best on way back.
It isn't about the virus


The man your mother warned you about.
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1976 Swine flu..

USA people got freaked out by the media and 46 million of them took the jab..
They admit to 3500 people being permanently incapacitated.
only admitted to a small amount of deaths.

no figures on long term effects.

Deja Vu.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Melbourne locked down/up to be extended by two weeks, (probably longer)
a curfew from 9pm to 5am brought in and all the kiddies playgrounds closed

What sort of a spastic cunt closes kiddie playgrounds FFS
and ya got to wonder what sort of spastic cunts voted for the spastic cunt


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Curfew makes fuck all sense that hour of the day as most wooducks would already be home.

They planning on coming around to make sure everyone's tucked in properly after nine?

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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They fined cunts for putting their bins out during the last curfew

Be lights out at 9pm or you will be fined lol ( new climate change rules)


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Good thing about living in the regional areas of Oz, is that the country gets a lil more lawless the further you get away from metro areas.

The push is on though from the bastards, were running out of lawless countryside real quick these days..

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Very true Indy, them city flogs are escaping to the regions
Not much "real" Australia or many "real" Australians left

We been divided and conquered by multi culturalism cultists


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Probably show the DC's how to grow their gunja better, as they sure as shit don't know how to fight.

Taliban War Tactics 101: Hide out in a cave until every cunt goes home. Then come out and claim victory.
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